American College of Physicians Praises Blocked Health Insurance Merger

Attributable to:
Jack Ende, MD, MACP
President, American College of Physicians

April 28, 2017

The American College of Physicians (ACP) today praised this morning’s decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upholding a lower court ruling halting the proposed $54 billion insurance merger between Anthem and Cigna. The ruling over the potential impact on competition and insurance prices is a big “win” for patients and the physicians who care for them. 

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Internists Underscore: It’s time for Congress to craft real solutions for U.S. health-care system

ACP says bill would have ‘done great harm to health of millions of Americans’

San Diego, March 31, 2017 -- The president of the American College of Physicians (ACP) today underscored ACP’s belief that the decision to pull the American Health Care Act (AHCA) bill from Congressional consideration a week ago reflects the reality that the flawed legislation did not have the support of the American people, or even a majority of the House of Representatives.

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