America’s Frontline Physicians Call on Government to Act on the Public Health Epidemic of Gun Violence

Washington (February 16, 2018) -- On February 14, 17 children and adults at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, lost their lives at the hands of an individual with an assault weapon. Thousands of children across the country went to school that morning, but some never returned home that afternoon. This senseless loss of life has become all too common in our country, ending lives, shattering families and disrupting the fabric of another community forever branded by this act of violence.

Internists Urge CMS and States to Rethink Medicaid Work Requirements

Washington, DC (February 15, 2018) — Based on concerns over Medicaid waiver applications that would require enrollees to work, search for work, or volunteer in order to qualify for government health coverage, the American College of Physicians (ACP) has submitted letters urging the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to reject proposals from Medicaid agencies in states such as Arizona and

Internists Offer Support for Essential Health Care Policies in Budget Agreement

The following letter from Jack Ende, MD, MACP, president, ACP was sent to congressional leadership in support of the inclusion of health care policies in the budget agreement announced on Feb. 7.

February 8, 2018

Dear Speaker Ryan, Minority Leader Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell, and Minority Leader Schumer:

Drinking very hot tea increases the risk for esophageal cancer in high-risk individuals

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2018 ACIP Adult Immunization Schedule recommendations released

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Internists Support United States of Care Initiative to Advance Nonpartisan Health Policies

Statement attributable to:
Jack Ende, MD, MACP
President, American College of Physicians

Washington, DC (February 6, 2018) — The American College of Physicians (ACP) supports the newly formed United States of Care initiative and its goal of ensuring access to affordable health care for all Americans. This new nonpartisan, nonprofit initiative advocates for economically and politically feasible solutions to our nation’s current health care challenges.

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