ACP Calls for Health Care Policies That Better Support Women and Their Families and Improve Health Outcomes

Washington, DC (May 29, 2018) — The American College of Physicians (ACP) published a paper, “Women’s Health Policy” today in the Annals of Internal Medicine that examines the unique challenges women face within the United States health care system. The paper addresses a wide range of issues such as support for paid family and medical leave, recommendations on policies to reduce domestic violence, sexual abuse and harassment and participation in clinical trials.

ACP Meets Innovation Center Director, Rescission Cuts, and the High Cost of Health Care

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ACP Lastest Link Type
ACP Advocate
ACP gets to know new Innovation Center Director at CMS; Concern over modification to new budget pact; new report finds higher cost of health care in U.S.

BOR action on spring 2018 BOG resolutions now available

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America’s Women’s Health Providers Oppose Efforts to Exclude Qualified Providers from Federally-Funded Programs

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Joint Principles for Protecting the Patient-Physician Relationship

Washington, DC (May 23, 2018) — Today, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and American College of Physicians (ACP) issued a set of Joint Principles Protecting the Patient-Physician Relationship: Keeping External Interference Out of the Practice of Medicine.

Andy Slavitt to Receive National Award From the American College of Physicians

Washington, D.C. May 23, 2018 -- The American College of Physicians (ACP) will award Andy Slavitt the Joseph F. Boyle Award for Distinguished Public Service. The award will be presented at 7:00 am ET on May 23 at the Grand Ballroom of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, D.C. where ACP is hosting its annual advocacy day, Leadership Day, a two-day event where ACP member internists and medical students learn about the legislative process and key policy issues from ACP staff, members of Congress, congressional staff, and independent policy analysts. 

ACP tells Congress: Spending Cuts Would Hurt Public Health

Washington, DC (May 14, 2018) — In a letter to congressional leadership, the American College of Physicians (ACP) said that proposed spending cuts would damage children’s access to health coverage, medical innovation, and public health.  The cuts are part of the rescission package that President Trump sent to Congress in early May; the legislation based on the package includes cuts to the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the Center

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