Medicare pay cut may loom in wake of tax bill passage

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Internal Medicine News

Professionalism Charters for Health Care Organizations: Sorely Needed but Not Ready for Prime Time

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Annals Fresh Look

Hypertension Guide Revision Raises Concerns for Primary Care

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MedPage Today

Physicians fear Senate tax bill will devastate health care

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The Philadelphia Inquirer

American College of Physicians Urges Senate to Vote No on Tax Bill

Washington (November 30, 2017)— Provisions in the Senate tax bill that would eliminate the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) requirement that persons purchase qualified health insurance coverage (individual mandate) and lead to deep cuts to Medicare and other federal health programs will do great harm to tens of millions of the most vulnerable patients including seniors, said the American College of Physicians (ACP) in a letter sent to Senate leadership this afternoon.  In the let

The Tax Bill Is a Health Bill

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The Atlantic

Patients React Poorly When Docs Say 'No'

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Should You Stop Taking That Medication?

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Consumer Reports
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