6 reasons 2021’s Medicare payment changes are good for primary care doctors
Internists Call for Increased Competition in Prescription Drug Market to Help Mitigate Rising Costs
Washington, DC (September 15, 2020) — Today the American College of Physicians (ACP) released a new policy paper focused on increasing competition in the marketplace and addressing anticompetitive behaviors to combat the rising costs of prescription drugs. The new paper titled “Policy Recommendations to Promote Prescription Drug Competition: A Position Paper From the American College of Physicians”, is the third installment of a series published in Annals of Internal Medicine.
Internists Urge Congress to Support Planned Increases in Payments for E/M Services
Washington, DC (September 11, 2020) — Today the American College of Physicians (ACP) sent a letter to every member of Congress stressing the importance that the planned increases in payments for evaluation and management (E/M) services and other changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule move forward as scheduled on Jan. 1.
Lawmakers question safety of in-person MCAT
Postal Service delays mean some Philadelphia-area residents are waiting for mail-order prescriptions they badly need
CDC criticized for guidance saying people exposed to coronavirus may not need testing
ACP Supports the Use of Science to Stop the Spread of COVID-19, Warns Against Interference
Statement attributable to:
Heather E. Gantzer, MD, FACP
Chair, Board of Regents, American College of Physicians