Japan Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held virtually.  Program and meeting registration will be available on the chapter website prior to meeting.  Contact Amy Iwasaki at office@acpjapan.org for more information about the meeting.

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Alabama/Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting

This joint meeting of the Alabama and Mississippi Chapters will be held at the MSU Riley Center in Meridian.  Program and meeting registration will be available on the chapter website prior to meeting. Check the Chapter's Web site at alchapter.acponline.org. Contact Christi Long at alamedgroups@gmail.com for more information about the meeting.

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Oklahoma Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held at the Samis Education Center in Oklahoma City.  Program and meeting registration will be available on the chapter website prior to meeting. Check the Chapter's Web site at okchapter.acponline.org. Contact Kathy Musson at kmussonokc@gmail.com for more information about the meeting.

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ACP Calls for Appropriate and Meaningful Performance Measures to Evaluate Telemedicine

PHILADELPHIA April 17, 2023 –As the amount of health care services provided to patients using telemedicine increases, we must ensure the quality of the performance measures being used to evaluate that care, says the American College of Physicians (ACP) in a new policy paper published today in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Clinical Skills Committee Meeting

Contact: Colleen Poole


Event start

Informational Webinar on Behavioral Health Integration

Contact: Laura Baldwin


Event start
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