Core IM
Welcome to Core IM’s CKD Staging (Cr vs. Cystatin C, Albuminuria & more): Mind The Gap Segment
In this episode the team will discuss how to stage CKD using the dual-staging system recommended by KDIGO, flaws of merely measuring renal function by eGFR, the significance of measuring albuminuria, and finally, the inequities involving minority patients who were commonly underdiagnosed and undertreated based on traditional CKD staging.
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Expires November 07, 2026
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Core IM
Welcome to Core IM, a virtual medical community! Core IM strives to empower its colleagues of all levels and backgrounds with clinically applicable information as well as inspire curiosity and critical thinking. Core IM promotes its mission through podcasts and other multimodal dialogues. ACP has teamed up with Core IM to offer continuing medical education, available exclusively to ACP members by completing the CME/MOC quiz.

Welcome to the “Stage”: GFR and Albuminuria
Reviewing CKD Classification!
- Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) introduced a dual-staging criteria for chronic kidney disease (CKD)
- eGFR Staging (G-Stage)
- eGFR between 60 - 120 ml/min/1.73 m2
- NOT clinically significant CKD
- Stage G3
- Stage G3a
- 45 < eGFR < 59
- Stage G3b
- 30 < eGFR < 44
- Stage G3a
- Stage G4
- 15 < eGFR < 29
- Stage G5
- eGFR < 15
- eGFR between 60 - 120 ml/min/1.73 m2
- Albuminuria (A-Stage)
- Measured by albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) in mg/g
- Stage A1
- 0 < ACR < 30 mg/g
- Stage A2
- 30 < ACR < 300 mg/g
- Moderately elevated (previously “microalbuminuria”)
- Stage A3
- > 300 mg/g ACR
- Severely elevated (previously “macroalbuminuria”)
- Stage A1
- Measured by albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) in mg/g
- eGFR Staging (G-Stage)
- Both the G-stage and A-stage are independent risk factors for cardiovascular and renal events!
What’s WRONG with how we estimate GFR?
- The ideal molecule to estimate GFR does NOT exist!
- Ideal Qualities:
- Exact serum quantity is known
- Freely filtered at glomerulus
- Neither secreted NOR reabsorbed in the tubules
- Ex: Insulin used historically
- but cumbersome since requires injection
- Ideal Qualities:
- Why is creatinine flawed as an estimator of GFR?
- Creatinine is used as an endogenous estimator
- Varies with muscle mass
- Differs between patients based on:
- Sex
- Age
- Low muscle mass → lower levels of creatinine
- Result: Cr will overestimate eGFR measurements & give false reassurance!
- Example: Cr of 1 mg/dl in a 90-year-old frail female
- Result: Cr will overestimate eGFR measurements & give false reassurance!
- Higher muscle mass → higher levels of creatinine
- Result: Cr will underestimate eGFR measurements
- Ex. Serum Cr of 1.8 mg/dL in Arnold Schwarzenegger or Shaq
- Result: Cr will underestimate eGFR measurements
- Differs between patients based on:
- Actively secreted in the renal tubules
- Secretion rate is influenced by medications!
- Bactrim
- Secretion rate is influenced by medications!
- Actively secreted in the renal tubules
- Race-adjusted eGFR formula
- African Americans were systematically under-staged (i.e., for a given creatinine, higher eGFR would be reported → undiagnosed CKD)
- Race-adjusted eGFR formula
- Enter a NEW Contender: Cystatin C!
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Affected by sex and age
- But, you can correct for these!
- Affected by inflammation and chronic diseases
- Diabetes
- Cigarette smoking
- Thyroid disease
- Cancer
- Steroid use
- Affected by sex and age
- Which patient should I order Cystatin C for?!
- Patients with low muscle mass
- Who may be under staged by creatinine measurements alone
- Erroneously reporting higher eGFR
- Who may be under staged by creatinine measurements alone
- Patients with high muscle mass
- Who may be falsely labeled with CKD
- From a creatinine derived eGFR
- Who may be falsely labeled with CKD
- Patients with low muscle mass
- Which marker of eGFR is the best?
Assessing Qualitative Renal Function using A-Stage! (Albuminuria)
- A Dive into the Endothelium!
- Endothelial dysfunction → Albuminuria
- Urine = Direct pathway to observe endothelial dysfunction
- Can start to occur well BEFORE any significant changes to GFR!
- Endothelial dysfunction → Albuminuria
- A-Stage
- Helps identify patients who (1) are in early stages of renal dysfunction and (2) who can respond well to more aggressive interventions!
- Potential treatments:
- ACE-i/ARBs
- ONLY have renal-protective function in patients with albuminuria!
- Otherwise are just like other BP meds
- ONLY have renal-protective function in patients with albuminuria!
- SGLT2i
- Shown to decrease decline in GFR, ESRD, and death
- DAPA-CKD trial
- Pro tip! If proteinuria is still > 500 mg/g with RAASi and SGLT2i, can consider adding finerenone!
- DAPA-CKD trial
- Shown to decrease decline in GFR, ESRD, and death
- ACE-i/ARBs
- You can trend A-Stage to assess the effectiveness of treatment interventions!
- Make sure to measure albuminuria ESPECIALLY in patients with:
- Diabetes AND known CKD
- Potential treatments:
- Helps identify patients who (1) are in early stages of renal dysfunction and (2) who can respond well to more aggressive interventions!
- Confounding Factors for albuminuria
- The following activities can lead to spillage of albumin into urine! (not actual renal dysfunction) → transient albuminuria
- Exercise
- Standing upright
- Inflammation
- The following activities can lead to spillage of albumin into urine! (not actual renal dysfunction) → transient albuminuria
- How do we measure A-Stage?
- Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR)
- Most commonly used!
- Influenced by denominator (creatinine)
- Note: Urine albumin WITHOUT reporting urine creatinine is NOT meaningful!
- But this is affected by all the aforementioned flaws of creatinine measurement
- Influenced by denominator (creatinine)
- Most commonly used!
- 24-hour urine albumin
- Gold standard!
- Can be quite cumbersome to collect/perform, especially in outpatient settings
- Gold standard!
- Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR)
Shreya Trivedi, MD, ACP Member – Editor
Gregory Katz, MD – Host, Editor
Cary Blum, MD – Host, Editor
Yichi Zhang, MD, MBA – Editor, MOC Questions
Tomas Guerrero, MD
Tejas Patel, MD
Those named above, unless otherwise indicated, have no relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. All relevant relationships have been mitigated.
Release Date: November 8, 2023
Expiration Date: November 7, 2026
CME Credit
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the American College of Physicians and Core IM. The American College of Physicians is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The American College of Physicians designates this enduring material (podcast) for .5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Points
Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to .5 medical knowledge MOC Point in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Participants will earn MOC points equivalent to the amount of CME credits claimed for the activity. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.
How to Claim CME Credit and MOC Points
After listening to the podcast, complete a brief multiple-choice question quiz. To claim CME credit and MOC points you must achieve a minimum passing score of 66%. You may take the quiz multiple times to achieve a passing score.