Contribute Clinical Images and Video to MKSAP

Involvement type:

ACP members are invited to submit clinical images and video for inclusion in the next edition of ACP’s Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP). MKSAP is a comprehensive learning management system that helps established Internal Medicine physicians keep up to date in Internal Medicine, prepare for and maintain certification, and earn CME credits. ACP members can help enrich the next edition of MKSAP by submitting digital images and video showing examples of clinical findings.

Submit Photographs for Annals of Internal Medicine

Involvement type:

Annals of Internal Medicine offers a $500 prize for the best photograph submitted to Annals each year. In an effort to bring people to the pages of the Annals, the editors began publishing a section called Personae in 1999. Personae photographs are black and white photographs of people that appeared in the body of the journal from 1999 to 2000 and have appeared on the cover since 2000. Photographs submitted between 1 January and 31 December in each calendar year will be eligible for the prize.

Submit ACP Member Testimonial and Headshot

Involvement type:

We want to hear from you. Provide a short testimonial of why you’re proud to be an ACP member. Describe why you love being a member. Perhaps tell us about your favorite benefit or resource. Also, we would greatly appreciate if you included your headshot.

Click on this link to write your testimonial and upload your headshot:

MKSAP Peer Review Opportunity

Involvement type:

We are seeking ACP members to serve as peer reviewers for the next edition of the Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP). MKSAP is a comprehensive learning management system for internists and internal medicine subspecialists that helps established physicians keep up to date in internal medicine, prepare for certification, maintain certification, and earn CME credits. External peer review is a crucial part of the MKSAP content development process, helping us to ensure unbiased, high-quality content.

Submit a Blog Post for Annals Fresh Look

Involvement type:

The Annals Fresh Look blog invites brief commentaries on Annals of Internal Medicine articles from residents, fellows, and faculty in general or subspecialty internal medicine, as well as medical students interested in the field of internal medicine. Persons involved in topics related to the training and experience of young physicians are also encouraged to submit pieces.

Governance Committee Meeting- Webinar

Contact: Amy Allen Collins

Event start

MKSAP Foundation of Clinical Practice- 2 Day MCQ Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters Philadelphia Pa

Contact: Kim Kerns

Event start

Chapter Staff Best Practices- Webinar

Contact: Nicole Turkowski

Event start

New ACP learning series addresses impact of health equity on diagnostic decision-making

External URL
ACP Lastest Link Type
ACP Internist Weekly

Caribbean Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held virtually  Program and meeting registration should be available on the chapter website prior to meeting. Check the Chapter's Web site at Contact Hanif Smith at for more information about the meeting.

Event start
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