Internists testify about rising prescription drug prices and their impact on patients

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Medical Xpress

Internists testify about rising prescription drug prices and their impact on patients

ACP provides physician perspective in testimony to Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights of Senate Judiciary Committee

Rx Pizza: 1 Free Meal Can Sway Doctor Prescribing

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The New York Times

New Survey Offers Insight on Efforts to Improve EHR Usability

AmericanEHR Partners release survey data results showing EHR System ease of use

PHILADELPHIA, June 23, 2016—A new report from AmericanEHR Partners, "Survey on Physician Use of EHR Systems - Ease of Use Baseline Data," is based on a survey of nearly 1,400 clinicians and suggests that the while they may seem dissatisfied with the usability of their electronic health record (EHR) systems,a breakdown of data offers insight into how systems may be improved. 

Why doctors shouldn’t worry about MACRA

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Kevin MD

As medicine changes, striving to keep the doctor-patient relationship paramount

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The Philadelphia Inquirer

ACP tells Congress that Bipartisan Legislation to Reduce Gun Violence is Critical

Washington, June 17, 2016 -- The American College of Physicians (ACP) yesterday sent a letter to House and Senate leaders urging them to swiftly pass legislation that would ensure the safety of Americans by reducing the threat of injury or death from firearms.  The letter also noted that victims in the recent mass shooting in Orlando may have been targeted as a hate crime because of their sexual orientation, affirming the need for the United States to also take a stand agains

The Big Box Store As Health Provider

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The Huffington Post

Lawmakers look to prevent drug makers from thwarting generic competition

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AAFP, ACP, AAP, AMA, others renew call for Congress to lift ban on gun research

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