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Medical Economics
Too many guns, too little sense … it’s time for action
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The Seattle Times
Pelvic Exams May Not Be Needed
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The New York Times
Annual Pelvic Exam May No Longer Be Necessary for Some Women
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ABC News
Help for Middle-of-the Night Insomnia
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The Wall Street Journal
Internists Offer Practical Alternatives to Simplify Implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA)
(Washington, June 27, 2016)—The American College of Physicians (ACP) offered its recommendations for improvements to the proposed rule to implement the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) in a letter submitted today to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Acting Administrator, Andy Slavitt. If accepted by CMS, the College’s recommendations would replace an unnecessarily complex quality scoring system with a much simpler and understanda
MACRA Solutions versus MACRA Rants
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ACP Advocate Blog OLD
ACP's Legislative Priorities, Advocacy on ACOs Pays Off, Building Connections from Leadership Day
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ACP Advocate
ACP takes stock of the issues that still need to receive attention from Congress this year; CMS agrees to suggestions from physicians on benchmarks for practices in the ACO model; How Dr. Tammy Lin was able to use her experience at Leadership Day to engage in further advocacy.
Before you get another medical test, figure out whether you really need it
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The Washington Post
Lawmakers Seek to Block Branded Rx Firms From Delaying Generics
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Bloomberg BNA