ACP Pledges to Work to Improve Information Flow in Health IT
Washington, March 1, 2016 – The American College of Physicians (ACP) pledged their support for advancing interoperability among health information systems as foundations to the success of health care delivery system reform. The commitment and pledge of ACP and other organizations was announced yesterday at the Health Information Management Systems Society conference by the Secretary of the U.S.
ACP on Health IT, Updates to Stark Law, and Good Outcomes on Patient Centered Medical Homes
Experts discuss association between Zika virus and microcephaly cases
How to protect yourself from hospital-acquired infections
Insurance deals win over states, but Feds still in doubt
American College of Physicians supports Core Quality Measures Collaborative agreement
ACP supports the Core Quality Measures Collaborative agreement on core measure sets for select areas of practice.
Performance [Measure] Anxiety
ACP finds that cognitive behavioral therapy and secondgeneration antidepressants are similarly effective treatments foradults with major depressive disorder
Doctors should discuss treatment effects, adverse effect profiles, costs, accessibility, and preferences with patients when selecting a first line treatment.
Zika Virus
The World Health Organization has declared the rapid spread of the Zika virus a global health emergency. According to an Annals of Internal Medicine article, the virus was initially detected in Brazil in March 2015 and has been identified in several South American countries, Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico. Transmission has also occurred in travelers returning from the infected regions to countries including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Western Europe.