Experts discuss association between Zika virus and microcephaly cases

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Annals of Internal Medicine

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Zika Virus

The World Health Organization has declared the rapid spread of the Zika virus a global health emergency. According to an Annals of Internal Medicine article, the virus was initially detected in Brazil in March 2015 and has been identified in several South American countries, Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico. Transmission has also occurred in travelers returning from the infected regions to countries including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Western Europe.

Spring 2016 BOG Resolutions

Fourteen (14) resolutions will be heard at the Spring 2016 Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting in Washington, DC. Please review each resolution and then indicate your support or opposition by completing the electronic response form by Monday, April 11.

Your comments will be forwarded to your Governor to be used as part of his/her testimony on behalf of the chapter.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Giampietro, BOG Administrator, at Thank you for your input.

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