ACP Advocates for Congressional Action, Renewed Call for Patient-Centered Care

External URL{F151DAE7-AF91-4D5B-B402-126BDDEFC59F}&Date=09/09/2016
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ACP Advocate
ACP urges congressional action on Zika virus, opioid addiction, health research and primary care amid budget debate; Life and death of Aetna Innovation Labs director highlights need for patient-centered care

NMQF, ACP, and QHC Advisory Group partner to increase adult immunization rates among underserved populations

Washington, D.C., September 6, 2016 -- The National Minority Quality Forum (The Forum), American College of Physicians (ACP), and QHC Advisory Group (QHC) are partnering to create a network of physicians who provide care to minority and underserved populations.

The immediate purpose of the collaboration is to support health equity by reducing adult immunization disparities. The collaboration also seeks to support minority-serving practices in meeting the requirements of value-based payment reforms.

Heavy burden of EHRs could contribute to physician burnout

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E-Records a Grind for Many Doctors

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U.S. News and World Report

Really have to go? Time to talk to your doctor.

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The Washington Post

IMPORTANT CPC+ update; ACP-priority legislation passed by Congress

External URL{F151DAE7-AF91-4D5B-B402-126BDDEFC59F}&Date=08/19/2016
ACP Lastest Link Type
ACP Advocate
An important CPC+ update includes a Sept. 15 participation deadline; ACP-priority legislation recently was passed by Congress and signed by the president. Marking a huge "win" for ACP, it cracks down on opioid abuse.

A New Therapy for Insomnia: No More Negative Thoughts

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ACP Lastest Link Type
ACP in the News
Journal Name
The New York Times

Patient-centered care? Not for this patient . . . and not for how many others?

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ACP Advocate Blog OLD
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