Turning the clock back on health care

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ACP Advocate Blog OLD

Why You Should Oppose Repeal Of The Affordable Care Act

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Prominent R.I. doctor urges Congress to improve, not repeal, Obamacare

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The Providence Journal

Republicans finally have the power to repeal Obamacare, but they're still not sure how

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Los Angeles Times

Four Leading Medical Organizations Urge Congress to Protect Patients’ Access to Health Care

Use caution in considering change to current law, groups say

WASHINGTON, DC—Four medical organizations representing nearly 400,000 physicians and medical students have called on the 115th Congress to maintain Americans’ access to comprehensive health benefits and ensure a stable insurance market in any health reform legislation they consider.

American College of Physicians updates recommendations for treatment of type 2 diabetes

Newer oral medications are now available since ACP’s 2012 clinical practice guideline

Philadelphia, January 3, 2017 – Physicians should prescribe metformin to patients with type 2 diabetes when medication is needed to improve high blood sugar, the American College of Physicians (ACP) recommends in an evidence-based clinical practice guideline published today in Annals of Internal Medicine.

ACP: Metformin as First Oral Tx for T2D

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MedPage Today

Metformin Still Best as First Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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U.S. News and World Report

Off-Label Use: Should Drugs Do Double Duty?

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Consumer Reports
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