Medical Informatics Committee Meeting

Contact: Mandi Neff

Event start

CRFM Webinar

Contact: Patricia Moore

Event start

New Congress brings new call for Medicare physician pay overhaul

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ACP Lastest Link Type
ACP in the News
Journal Name
American Medical Association

How ACP members can support current disaster recovery and aid efforts

The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria are being described as the worst in that area in a century. ACP members who wish to provide support in the recovery efforts can help via these organizations.

Ways to help: -->

- The U.S. non-profit Bridge to Turkiye has a history of supporting cultural and educational initiatives in Turkey, and is working on providing food and water through the Turkish aid organization, Ahbap Association

ECBOG Virtual Meeting

Contact: Kelley Gordon

Event start

ECBOG Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia Pa

Contact: Kelley Gordon

Event start

ECBOG Virtual Meeting

Contact: Kelley Gordon

Event start

Chile Chapter Virtual Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held virtually.  Program and meeting registration should be available on the chapter website prior to meeting.  Contact Luz Maria Letelier, MD, FACP at for more information about the meeting.



Event start

Bangladesh Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held at the Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden in Dhaka.  Program and meeting registration should be available on the chapter website prior to meeting.  Contact Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, MBBS, FACP at for more information about the meeting.

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AMA Travel Day

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