Pain Management Learning Hub

Pain Management

Explore these peer-to-peer learning materials to advance your skills in pain management.

Below you will find great CME-eligible resources, including:


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The ACP Pain Management Learning Series

This series consists of 7 core modules and 2 sets of case studies. The core modules use evidence-based and patient-centered pain management principles to help physicians assess and manage pain. The sets of case studies provide opportunities to practice skills necessary for pain assessment, diagnostic differentials, treatment plans, and patient-centered communication.

Although the modules progress in a linear fashion, each is designed to stand alone and can be viewed independently.

Modules and CME/MOC credit are free to ACP Members. Nonmembers may purchase access to claim CME/MOC credit for each module for $25 or the full package of 7 learning modules and 2 sets of case studies for $199. Note: Many of the materials on this page have been approved for MOC by multiple boards.


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The DEI Shift podcast “Addressing Bias and Disparities in Pain Management" 0.75 CME features Amber Brooks, MD, a board-certified anesthesiologist and comprehensive pain management physician. This episode examines the management of acute and chronic pain, focuses on bias that can manifest in treating those with chronic pain, and explores how physicians and members of the health care team can address disparities in groups that have been historically marginalized.


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Ethics Case Study

All physicians have a duty to develop core competencies of primary palliative care: symptom management; patient/family education about this; and communication skills necessary to ensure shared, informed decision-making tailored to the needs and values of the patient. In this case study, Pain Management Near the End-of-Life: What Would Mom Want? authors Drs. Eduardo Bruera, Kari Esbensen, and Lois Snyder Sulmasy, JD present a case history and offer commentary on end-of-life care.


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Recorded Video Presentations

This ongoing series of expert-driven presentations provides supplementary information related to various aspects of pain management or specific pain conditions. 

  • X-Express: The ABCs of Prescribing Buprenorphine 1 CME: Learn how to recognize opioid use disorder, determine which patients are appropriate for buprenorphine, and initiate and manage buprenorphine in patients with acute or chronic pain.
  • Optimizing Pain Management in an Era of Opioid De-escalation 6 CME: ACP’s six-hour collection of virtual lectures and discussions is designed to highlight best practices in treating and managing pain, a condition that affects millions of patients every year.
  • Back Pain: Get Your Patient Back in the Game 1 CME: Obidiugwu Kenrik Duru, MD, MSHS, discusses the prevalence, assessment and treatment of acute and chronic low back pain. This session was originally presented at IMM 2019.
  • Chronic Pain: Beyond Opioids 1 CME: Cindy A. McGeary, PhD, ABPP and Donald McGeary, PhD, ABPP discuss the full spectrum of chronic pain from its epidemiology through assessment and treatment. This presentation was recorded for IMM 2020 and was included as part of the CME30 Package.
  • Osteoarthritis: What Works? 1 CME: Eric Ruderman, MD, discusses the prevalence and impact of osteoarthritis and current best practices for treatment and pain mitigation.

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Pain Management Learning Collaborative

ACP’s Center for Quality is engaging practices in New Jersey and Minnesota in pain management quality improvement projects utilizing the ACP Advance Quality Improvement Curriculum. Relevant materials and findings from the projects will be added here as they become available.

Advisory Committee

This project has been supported and guided by the interdisciplinary ACP Pain Management Advisory Committee. Learn more


The American College of Physicians is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Learn more

This Learning Hub and its contents are supported by an independent education grant funded by Pfizer, Inc., in partnership with Lilly USA, LLC.