ACP is pleased to announce the following newly elected International Fellows, who were recommended by the Credentials Committee and approved for election by the Board of Regents as of September 1, 2017. They are listed by current location and may have been credentialed through a different Chapter.
Luiz Pedro Meireles Sr., MD FACP
Oren Smaletz, MD FACP
Bruce M. Auden, MD FACP
Courtney Cummings, MD FACP
Vincent Riley Jr., MBBS FACP
Terence Seemungal, MBBS PhD FACP
Central America
Lorena I. Noriega, MD FACP
Syed Sibte Akbar Abidi, MBBS FACP
Ambarish Bhattacharyya, MBBS MD FACP
Vishal Kumar Gupta, MD FACP
Sanjay Tandon, MD FACP
Eduardo Fernandez Campuzano, MD FACP
Albert Prescott Tennyson-Anoka, MD FACP
Southeast Asian
Ikhwan Rinaldi Harmen II, MD FACP
Other Countries
Ahmed Akl, MD FACP – Egypt
Yousuf Huda Ansari, MBBS FACP – United Kingdom
Shobha Luxmi, MBBS FACP – Pakistan
Jacques E. Mokhbat, MD FACP – Lebanon
Tamer S. Al-Sayed, MBChB FACP – United Kingdom