Explore these tools to create a well-being program tailored to any organization’s needs and budget.
Congratulations on building a well-being program! Below are a number of resources to maximize adaptability. To learn more about the design and delivery of ACP’s Well-being Champions (WBC) program and the work of the WBCs, we invite you to read an article from the Journal of Wellness, entitled "Feasibility of a 'Network of Champions' in implementing a program to address physician well-being," as a complement to this resource page.
Please e-mail us at acpwellbeing@acponline.org with any thoughts or questions.
Mix and Match Tools to Build a Well-being Program
Program Components Matrix
Design your own well-being program that fits your budget.
Example Curriculum and Training Schedule
Identify what curriculum components you want for your training and how it will be delivered.
Example of Training Project Plan
Keep your project and to-dos on track with this step-by-step 12-month plan.
Example of Well-being Interventions
Use this curated library of well-being interventions to meet the specific needs of your constituency and promote well-being and professional fulfillment in your community.
- Advocacy Toolkit: Modernizing License and Credentialing Applications to Not Stigmatize Mental Health
- ACP Well-Being Champions Community Building Examples
- CDC: Explore NIOSH's Impact Wellbeing Guide with Seven Actions. Ex. Action 5: Integrate Professional Wellbeing into Quality Improvement. Downloadable PDF
- National Academy of Medicine: Valid and Reliable Survey Instruments to Measure Burnout, Well-Being, and Other Work-Related Dimensions
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