ACP’s Patient and Interprofessional Partnership initiative develops patient-centered, interprofessional education resources for internists, patients, and their clinical teams.
This initiative works to promote high quality education that incorporates interprofessional, interdisciplinary and patient perspectives, and that promotes partnership with all members of the healthcare team. Learn more about our approach.
Patient-centered and Interprofessional Educational Resources
Browse the resources below that were developed with a team-based care model in mind and with input from interprofessional team members:
Featured Resource: General Team Care Toolkit
ACP has developed this toolkit to share best practices and real-life examples of successful team-based clinical care models that include internal medicine physicians working with Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physicians Assistants (PAs) and other members of the clinical care team. This toolkit includes resources to help foster productive and purposeful internal medicine teams.
Patient Priorities Care
Help your patients identify their health priorities so that you can provide care that addresses what matters most to them. Learn about the Patient Priorities Care approach and complete ACP’s interactive online curriculum, developed in partnership with the Patient Priorities Care team. The curriculum offers practical steps for clinicians and care teams to incorporate Patient Priorities Care effectively into practice.
Engaging Informal Caregivers Toolkit
This ACP-developed toolkit shares training, best practices, and resources to help physicians partner with caregivers to improve health outcomes.
COVID-19 Recovery Team Care Toolkit
This ACP-developed toolkit features team-based resources to help physicians, their teams, and their patients optimize team-based care during and after a pandemic. Topic areas include steps to optimal team-based care, effectiveness of team-based care in a pandemic, using telehealth to manage high-risk chronic conditions, informing patients about changes in practice, and sustaining teams and positive changes.
Healthcare Resources for Refugees, Asylees, and Non-Detained Asylum Seekers Living in the US
Physicians and their teams play an essential role in caring for asylum seekers, refugees, undocumented immigrants, and migrants. Clinicians may use this toolkit to better understand the background, healthcare coverage options and health considerations for this patient population.
Obesity Management Learning Hub CME eligible
This comprehensive learning series on treating obesity was developed with the input of an advisory group of internal medicine specialists, bariatric surgeons, a nutritionist, a psychologist, a pharmacist, and a patient representative. The series includes three learning modules, two podcasts, and a collection of patient education handouts in both English and Spanish that were created specifically to bolster physician recommendations and support patient success.
Pain Management Learning Hub CME eligible
This learning series contains over 23 hours of self-paced, comprehensive content that was developed with the input of an advisory group of internal medicine specialists, an oncology pharmacist, a nurse practitioner, addiction medicine specialists, physical therapists and patient representatives. This group ensured that patient and interprofessional perspectives were built into the clinical education components for pain assessment, diagnostic differentials, treatment plans, and communication in partnership with patients.
High Value Care Immunization Referral Toolkit
Every member of the healthcare team has a role to play in raising immunization rates. This ACP-developed toolkit, created as part of ACP's I Raise the Rates initiative, is designed to support and facilitate more effective and high value immunization referrals between subspecialty, primary care, and pharmacy to increase vaccination uptake among your patient's immunization neighborhood.