Thank You So Much to Our Well-being Champion Volunteers at the Champion Training and Internal Medicine Meeting 2019!
Thank you so much to all our volunteers who championed well-being as speakers and teachers during the 2019 Internal Medicine Meeting in Philadelphia. Over 600 lives were directly touched by their efforts, and the effects of the learnings will be exponentially magnified by each soul that our attendees meet in their personal and professional lives. The sense of community was palpable during the events; we cannot thank each and every one of you enough for helping make these events a success!
A few of our current Well-being Champions shared their personal and professional stories that inspired and triggered action in our 40+ new Champions during their training. Our community of well-being is growing, as are the opportunities to reach those who need our help the most.
Our Mini but Mighty: Skills for Well-being sessions were wildly popular! Four well-being skills were taught by 16 Well-being Champions. We held nine 10-minute micro sessions that each had 40 to 70 attendees. We started with only a few chairs and no sound system but quickly had to secure a wireless microphone and add more seats.
Thank you so much to all of you for your gifts of time, talent, expertise, and effort—we could not have done it without you! And we continue to receive feedback that these sessions were much appreciated by meeting attendees.
43 New Well-being Champions Trained Last Week
Our community of well-being grew by 43 gifted souls. All but a few ACP chapters now have a Well-being Champion! We are in the process of setting up our 2019 cohort in the system. This cohort should have full access to all Champion-related systems and resources by the next I.M. Thriving issue. In the meantime, please feel free to congratulate our new 2019 cohort members by posting on the public ACP well-being forum here. Many of them asked who their chapter colleagues were; we sent them a list, so you may be hearing from them, as well.
Noteworthy Resources
Two new enduring materials were added to the ACP Well-being and Professional Satisfaction main Web page based on nonticketed well-being offerings at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019.
Professional Health and Wellness Mini Portfolio
(Under Enhance Your Personal Well-being)
This resource is based on the wildly popular Mini but Mighty: Skills for Well-being sessions at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 that were first featured as a webinar to our Champions in late February 2019. This portfolio features four 10-minute micro skills for well-being, developed by Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MEd, MACP, to help you reflect, document current practices, and envision activities and behaviors that promote self-care and professional health and wellness.
If you attended the webinar live on February 27, claim your CME/MOC through the Well-being Champions Activities Tracker. If you missed the webinar, the recording is now available on your Champions page. You may claim your CME/MOC starting on the day you finished watching the video.
- Attended live? Claim your CME/MOC
- Missed the webinar? Watch the recording
Workflow Innovations to Enhance Well-being
(Under Improving the Practice and Organizational Environment)

The Workflow Innovations exhibit at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019.
First displayed as an interactive exhibit at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019, the resources on this page capture workflow innovations to improve and enhance the well-being and professional satisfaction of physicians and medical teams in both ambulatory and hospital settings.
ACP aims to continuously improve and enhance well-being through innovative workflows. Please bookmark and continue to check this page for additional tools and resources. To peruse workflow innovations posted on social media, please visit the Twitter topic #ACPWorkflow.
From the Trenches
Share your success stories and those of inspirational colleagues (both ACP Champions and partners) by e-mailing your story to the ACP Well-being Team at acpwellbeing@acponline.org
In the News
The Real Reason Docs Burn Out
By Jeffrey Bendix; published in Medical Economics
Excerpt: The fact that so many doctors express similar feelings of frustration and alienation is itself evidence of deep-seated dysfunction in the nation's healthcare system, according to many experts. “We feel caught between doing the work our patients need and the work we feel is mandatory in our environment,” says Christine Sinsky, MD, an internist and vice president of professional satisfaction for the AMA. “And when those competing demands are not aligned, it creates a situation that is simply unmanageable for many physicians and other health professionals.”
Some who have studied the problem believe “burnout” doesn't accurately capture doctors' reactions to the hurdles they face in trying to care for their patients. They describe it instead as “moral injury,” a term first coined to describe soldiers' responses to the dilemmas they frequently face during wars
Discuss the news topic above and share advice and ideas with other Well-being Champions in your private forum.
IM Thriving is copyrighted ©2019 by the American College of Physicians.