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Payment Error Prevention Program. Letter to Health Care Financing Administration.
Sox, Harold C., Jr., MD, MACP.
Fraud, Healthcare;United States Health Care Financing Administration
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{"Author":"Sox, Harold C., Jr., MD, MACP.","Producer":"Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Creator":"Acrobat 4.0 Capture Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Keywords":"Fraud, Healthcare;United States Health Care Financing Administration","ModDate":"2001-04-20T14:48:38-04:00","Abstract":"ACP-ASIM's is concerned with the proposed Peer Review Organization (PRO) sixth scope of work. Specifically, the ACP-ASIM fears that if implemented as proposed, the scope of work could undermine the cooperative and constructive relationship that has developed over the past few years between PROS and the health care community. The College is particularly concerned about the proposed Payment Error Prevention Program (PEPP), which is designed to reduce payment errors for inpatient prospective payment services under Medicare.","Title":"Payment Error Prevention Program. Letter to Health Care Financing Administration.","CreationDate":"2001-04-20T14:47:05-04:00","DateApproved":"1998-11-16","Pages":4}
Document Type