Document Title
Over-the-Counter Drugs: Proposed Labeling Requirements. Letter to Department of Health and Human Services.
Drug Industry;Patient Advocacy;United States Food and Drug Administration
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{"Producer":"Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Creator":"Acrobat 4.0 Capture Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Keywords":"Drug Industry;Patient Advocacy;United States Food and Drug Administration","ModDate":"2001-05-16T11:20:26-04:00","Abstract":"Physicians have a responsibility to counsel their patients about their prescription medicines to encourage compliance and help the patient identify adverse events associated with the drug therapy. Our goal is to improve the health outcomes of our patients. Our organizations, however, we cannot support the Action Plan submitted by the Steering Committee. We are concerned that the Action Plan as outlined will harm the quality of care to our patients. In addition, we believe that the Action Plan goes beyond the boundaries of a \"voluntary\" plan. We also contend that the manner in which oral counseling is addressed in the Action Plan is inappropriate.","Title":"Over-the-Counter Drugs: Proposed Labeling Requirements. Letter to Department of Health and Human Services.","DocType":"Regulatory Response","CreationDate":"2001-05-16T11:15:20-04:00","DateApproved":"1996-12-19","Pages":4}
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