ACP’s Advocacy in the Courts

Stay Up To Date: Supreme Court Term Decisions

The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) concluded its most recent term in July 2024, issuing numerous decisions that impact physicians and their patients. ACP advocacy staff are consistently monitoring the courts to provide timely analysis and updates to the latest cases affecting the practice of medicine. Learn more

In addition to advocating with Congress and regulatory agencies about issues important to internal medicine physicians and their patients, ACP also advocates on those issues through the judicial system. When a court case is filed about an issue that impacts internal medicine — whether the day-to-day, professional development, or patients' health — ACP may join an amicus brief, which is a legal brief sent to the court that is hearing the case, to support our policy priorities. That brief will describe to the court the impact that the case could have on internal medicine physicians and/or their patients and what ACP and other stakeholders believe the best outcome would be.

Recent Briefs Filed on Behalf of ACP

Women's & Reproductive Health