In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- So. California Annual Regional Scientific Meeting
- Chapter Excellence Award
- 2018 Poster Competition
- Early Career Physicians - 2018 Event/s
- American Medical Women's Association (AMWA)
- Patient Resources
- Updated Information on MOC
- ACP Updates “Living with Diabetes” Patient Guidebook
- We're Here for YOU!

Charles J. Hamori, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Greetings to all of you in the So. California Region III Chapter. Since our last newsletter, there has been quite a bit of activity to share with you.
Our Council welcomed the following new members:
- Tessa Antalan, MD – Chair, Early Career Physicians Committee
- Brennan Shutt, MD – ACP US Navy representative
- Jon Harrison, MD – Resident representative
- Robert Thomas, MD – Resident representative
- Kevin Youssefzadeh – Medical Student representative
I appreciate the time and commitment that these, and our “seasoned” Council members, contribute to our Chapter. A special thanks to Dr. Tammy Lin, who has been our Early Career Physician Chairperson for the past several years. She has done a tremendous job in planning events for our ECP members, as well as serving as the National ECP Chair. Our ECP committee is in the process of planning our next ECP event, however we've had to put it “on hold” for a bit while Dr. Antalan takes a few weeks off to spend with her new baby boy! We will keep our ECPs posted as plans unfold.
We have been involved with advocacy efforts and participated at the annual California ACP Sacramento Leadership Day, February 22-23, 2018. Dr. Paul Speckart, who was one of the attendees at SLD, is a past Governor of our Chapter and has served on the Council for many years, commented that this was “one of the best advocacy days we've had. We were able to meet with many of the legislators themselves and deliver our message.” The focus this year was on colorectal screening, Medi-Cal funding and the single payor bill.
Drs. Speckart, Lin, Balfour, Harrison, Thomas and I are currently in Washington DC meeting with our legislators to discuss timely issues such as expanding coverage and stabilizing the insurance market, reducing unnecessary administrative tasks on physicians and patients, reducing prescription drug costs, the opioid epidemic and more. You can view APC's summary of key national priorities by accessing the ACP website. I will share the outcome of our trip to Washington in my next member communication.
Finally, I would like to hear from any of you about your priorities for FY 2019 or any ways that you feel the ACP or our local chapter can better serve your professional needs. Please feel free to email me at socalregion3@gmail.com or we can arrange a time to talk.
Charles Hamori, MD FACP
P.S. If you've ever considered getting more involved with ACP, you can learn more about joining our Governor's Council by contacting me at SoCalRegion3@gmail.com.
So. California Annual Regional Scientific Meeting
October 27, 2018
Planning has been underway for some time now for our annual Southern California Regional Scientific Meeting. This year, our meeting will be a one-day program providing a comprehensive overview of advances in Internal Medicine and related sub-specialties, geared specifically to your most pressing practice needs. The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Huntington Beach on Saturday, October 27, 2018. Topics of our sessions include: Global Health, Novel Anticoagulants, Infectious Disease Update, and Physician Well-Being. Additionally, there will be ABIM SEP Modules available on Updates in Hospital Medicine and General Internal Medicine.
And don't miss our resident/fellow, medical student and ECP poster competition, followed by an evening reception and a rousing round of Doctor's Dilemma.
Registration will open soon, and an email will be sent out with the announcement and the weblink to register.
We encourage you to attend the meeting and maybe spend an extra day or two enjoying the beautiful Huntington Beach…right across the street from the hotel!
Chapter Excellence Award

The So. California Region III Chapter is a recipient of the 2018 Chapter Excellence Award. The award recognizes chapters that successfully meet the standards for managing a chapter and was presented at the ACP Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
2018 Poster Competition
October 27, 2018 – Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach
Are you a medical student, resident, fellow or early career physician who has seen an interesting patient case? Are you involved in research or quality improvement work? If so, we invite you to participate in the annual Poster Competition to be held on Saturday, October 27 in connection with our Annual Scientific Meeting. The medical student competition will begin at 8:30 a.m., and the resident/fellow and ECP competitions will begin at 2:30 p.m. All medical students, internal medicine residents, fellows in internal medicine specialties and early career physicians (physicians in practice seven years or less) are invited to submit a poster. You must be an ACP member to submit your abstract and present a poster.
Judges will select the winners from three poster categories: Clinical Vignettes, Research, and Quality Improvement/Patient Safety. First place winners in each category will receive cash stipends to attend and present their poster at IM 2019, hosted in Philadelphia, PA. Format guidelines and templates will be available soon on the California ACP Website - News and Meetings section.
Early Career Physicians - 2018 Event/s
If you are an ECP and have ideas for social and/or educational events, our committee would like to hear from you! Email your suggestions to Natalie Kaczur at socalregion3@gmail.com
American Medical Women's Association (AMWA)
ACP is an affiliate member organization of the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA). As such, all ACP members can join AMWA as an affiliate member for free. Benefits of AMWA Affiliate Membership include access to AMWA publications, opportunities to gain national leadership experience on one of AMWA's committees, networking, mentoring, and special discounts to AMWA local and national events.
“AMWA is thrilled that ACP recognizes the importance of supporting the career development of women physicians and health professionals,” said Farzanna Haffizulla, MD, FACP, president, AMWA. “This new affiliate member program will foster additional opportunities for ACP members through mentorship, leadership development, and networking for women physicians.”
We encourage you to check it out and take advantage of this valuable ACP member benefit. Click here to join.
Patient Resources
Help your patients with their health management goals this year. Co-developed with Consumer Reports, ACP's “Take Control of Your Health” guide helps to facilitate effective patient-physician communication about maintaining healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels, needed vaccines, screenings and medicines, and choosing a healthy lifestyle.
Browse ACP's Patient Education Center for hundreds of other patient-centered education materials. The Center contains free guidebooks, fact sheets, videos, and other materials that promote understanding and self-management of common health conditions. All resources are written at or below a 6th grade reading level, and most are available in both English and Spanish.
Updated Information on MOC
Review the updated information that ACP has created to apprise members of ABIM guidelines regarding Maintenance of Certification (MOC) as well as ACP resources and products that can help you obtain MOC points.
ACP Updates “Living with Diabetes” Patient Guidebook
ACP has updated its popular guidebook, “Living with Diabetes: An Everyday Guide for You and Your Family,” with new visuals and a redesigned layout that's easier for patients to read. This award-winning guidebook helps patients learn about and manage diabetes. Topics include diet, exercise, monitoring blood sugar, the importance of foot exams, and managing insulin and other medicines.
“Living with Diabetes” is available in both English and Spanish. For more diabetes patient education resources, visit ACPOnline's Patient Education Center.
We're Here for YOU!
This is YOUR chapter and our council is committed to providing you with excellent “value” for your membership. If you have suggestions on how we can better serve you, our members, please let us know. Maybe you'd like some local gatherings focused on specific topics of interest to you, or you would like to explore becoming a Fellow in the college by attending a fellowship mentoring event. Whatever it is, give us a shout-out by contacting our Executive Director, Ms. Natalie Kaczur, at socalregion3@gmail.com We look forward to hearing from you!