News & Meetings


MD Members

Upcoming Events and Meetings

Monthly Story Swaps

We host monthly Story Swaps on the second Thursday of each month from 7:00-8:00 pm

Please see the blow list of dates the next Story Swaps.

March Story Swap

March 13, 2025

Theme: Meaning and Purpose for Fulfilling Life

We all aspire, at every stage of our lives, to spend our days consistent with our values, connecting to a higher purpose, and sensing we are growing and changing to become more and more our authentic selves. This path is rarely a direct one, and often even the next step can be unclear, obvious only in retrospect.

This month’s story swap is co-sponsored between the Wellness Committee (Chair, Dr. Hari Devkota) and the WISE Committee (Chair, Dr. Mary Newman) and we invite students and physicians to join and share brief stories reflecting ways they have been able to live aligned with their values or times they have contributed to some higher purpose or other ways in which they have navigated the journey to a fulfilling life. Other participants may offer support and reflection on the stories shared.

Please join us on March 13 on zoom for our next story swap and let Dr. Hari DevkotaDr. Colleen Christmas, or Dr. Mary Newman  know if you are willing to tell a 5-minutes story.

Registration is free but needed to get the zoom link to attend the event.



Mulholland Mohler Residents Meeting

Please Mark Your Calendar For This Year's Mulholland Mohler Residents Meeting

Thursday, May 1, 2025, 8:30 AM-5:30pm

St. Agnes Hospital

900 S. Caton Avenue

Baltimore, MD

Main Entrance and Alagia Auditorium

Featured Speaker: Dr. Sanjay Desai, Chief Academic Officer, AMA


SUBMISSION RULES  (please note that several rules have changed!)

Each resident may submit ONLY ONE ABSTRACT for either the research or the clinical vignette categories. The two types of submissions have different deadlines as described below. To allow as many residents as possible to attend, we hope that programs will be able to adjust schedules to maximize the ability of their residents to participate in this incredible day.  

Original abstracts that either have or have not been presented at other meetings will be considered.  Presentation of original work at the ACP meeting may, however, jeopardize presentation before another society.  Abstracts are eligible if only the abstract has been published; however, abstracts based upon full papers that have been published are not eligible.

Submission of Research Abstract

The Program Director from each residency will select one research abstract to be presented as an oral, rather than a poster, presentation. Notify  of the selected abstract by March 17, 2025.

  • March 3, 2025 - residents submit abstracts to their Program Directors
  • March 17, 2025 - program directors approve and submit abstracts to MD ACP and also notify MD ACP of the research abstract they have chosen for oral presentation.

 Submission of Clinical Vignettes 

  • March 24, 2025 - residents submit abstracts to their Program Directors
  • March 31, 2025 - program directors approve and submit abstracts to MD ACP

The first name listed on the submission will be the name used in poster setups, material listings, etc.  Program Directors should please submit ALL approved abstracts to the following email address:

 We look forward to having a wonderful and informative meeting and hope that you and your residents and Faculty can join us!

For any info – please contact Maryellen Woodward at

Early Career Physicians Clinical Series: Pulmonary Embolism

The Maryland ACP Early Career Physicians Committee would like to invite you to attend an upcoming virtual event, Pulmonary Embolism: Are We There Yet? An Evidence-Based Guide for the Internist, on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025, from 12 Noon-1PM.

For more workshop details, please see the event flyer

Please click here to register for this event.

For any questions, please email Maryellen Woodward at

Art x Medicine

Join Maryland ACP Chapter, along with the Southern California III, Connecticut, India, and Tennessee Chapters for a rituals and traditions event to help build community, belonging, share authentic experiences, reflect, and practice cultural humility.

Saturday, March 1, 2025, 12:00pm EST

In times of uncertainty, we find solace in rituals and traditions that ground us with stillness and continuity. These anchors connect us to our inner strength and the wisdom of those who came before. Yet, while rooted in the familiar, we must also lean into the untamed possibilities of new beginnings, guided by hope and faith. Embracing these uncharted spaces allows us to build community—a dynamic tapestry woven from shared stories and collective courage. Balancing tradition and exploration, we discover strength not just in reaching a destination but in the journey where stillness and growth converge.

Please see the event flyer for more details. 

You can sign up for this Art x Medicine session here.

Volunteer Opportunity!

ACP Maryland chapter is collaborating with the Maryland Department of Health to volunteer at a community health fair in Caroline County on May 10, 2025 from 11:00am to 3:00pm 512 Franklin Street, Denton, MD 21629

We plan to provide information about healthy diets, vaccines, cancer screenings at various ages, blood pressure checks. Interested members can sign up by sending an email to Maryellen at by  May 1, 2025.  Please see the event flyer for more details. 

Save The Date

Please see below dates that we hope that you add to your schedules and be sure to join us at these events:

Monday, April 28- Tuesday, April 29, 2025, Washington, DC | ACP Leadership Day a chance for you to meet with your Congressional delegation. 

Thursday, May 1, 2025, 7:30 AM, St. Agnes Hospital | Mulholland Mohler Residents Meeting

Chief Residents Association of Baltimore

Please check out our CRABs (Chief Residents Association of Baltimore) and their upcoming activities

CRAB Calendar Of Activities – 2024-2025

For more information, please visit our CRAB Information Page

Past Events

Please click here to see the Maryland ACP Chapter in action at our most recent events.

We hope you'll join us for our next chapter activity!

Past Meetings

Attend a Chapter Meeting in 2023? Claim CME

2025 Maryland Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting

January 24-25, 2025
Turf Valley Resort & Conference Center | Ellicott City, MD

Access the Meeting Hub to claim CME/MOC, access meeting handouts or listen to session playbacks.  (Log-in Required)

To claim CME & MOC credit or to generate a certificate of participation you will be asked to first complete an evaluation survey.

2024 Maryland Chapter Annual Meeting 

Friday, January 26 - Saturday, January 27
Turf Valley Resort & Conference Center