March 2025

ACP IMpact

In Case You Missed It

Dr. Jokela on KevinMD: Match Day 2025: Protecting Our Students’ Futures

Janet Jokela, MD, MPH, MACP, ACP Treasurer and Senior Associate Dean of Engagement at Carle Illinois College of Medicine at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, discusses medical students, Match Day, and the threat to the U.S.’s biomedical research and public health infrastructure. One of Dr. Jokela's key concerns is the impact on graduating medical students, particularly as Match Day 2025 approaches. She stresses physicians' responsibility to support these future doctors and encourage and empower them to provide high-quality care. Read Dr. Jokela’s article or listen to her on KevinMD’s podcast.

New AI Tool Launches as Part of DynaMedex®

Dyna AI, a cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) assistant, is now integrated into DynaMedex, offering concise, evidence-based answers to clinical questions. When a user types a query in natural language, Dyna AI quickly synthesizes relevant information exclusively from DynaMedex, including study summaries, practice guidelines, and expert commentary, to provide an answer.

Note that Dyna AI is not mandatory and can be turned off under settings if a user prefers. DynaMedex access is included with your ACP membership.


Get Up to Speed on Skin Failure

(from the March 5, 2025, ACP Hospitalist)

Experts' understanding of pressure injuries has changed, and recent thinking highlights the importance of hospitalist involvement.

ACP Hospitalist is an online magazine for ACP members covering news and trends in hospital medicine. An ACP login is required to access this article.

I.M. Internal Medicine Spotlight

Spotlight: Matthew Man, MD, FACP

From an early age, Dr. Man acted as a translator at doctor appointments for his grandparents, who were immigrants from Cambodia. That experience of helping others eventually inspired him to become a primary care provider in a city health center, caring for the same disadvantaged community.

Medical Student Perspective Essay

Watchful Waiting

Our assignment is vague: some kind of meditative watching. We chat about recent mental breakdowns, technical issues with Canvas and Anki, and weekend plans (studying). We're hypothetically ready to “observe” and “be present” while distracted by the realities of our hectic lives. All of us agree: we've lost the ability to quiet our thoughts, to focus on only one thing at a time.

Advocacy Update

Visit Our New One-Stop Collection of ACP's Recent Advocacy Efforts

ACP advocates for you on policy changes that will make a difference in your daily work, your professional development, and your patients' health. For the latest advocacy efforts from ACP, visit our new one-stop collection featuring articles, statements, and ways you can take action on various issues.

Analyzing Annals

Predatory Journals: What Can We Do to Protect Their Prey?

(from February 2025 Annals for Educators)

Predatory or “pseudo” journals can endanger the public by facilitating the dissemination of unvetted and fraudulent health information. Their deceptive practices also harm authors, their funders and academic institutions, and legitimate journals and publishers and can undermine science and the scholarly publishing process. In this editorial, members of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors raise awareness and outline strategies stakeholders can use to counter the deceptive efforts of predatory journals.

Annals for Educators is a Web Exclusives feature of Annals of Internal Medicine which includes activities using selected Annals articles to help medical educators in their teaching activities.

Winning Abstracts from the 2024 Abstracts Competition

The “Great Imitator” Unveiled: A Rare Case of Syphilis

Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum, has earned the moniker “the great imitator” due to its ability to mimic various diseases - making its diagnosis challenging. Successful diagnosis and staging of syphilis requires a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's clinical, pathological, and social history. This case report highlights the complexity of syphilis diagnosis and the importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion, particularly in cases with unusual clinical presentations and inconclusive histopathological results.

Want to have your abstract featured here? ACP holds a National Abstracts Competition as part of the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting every year. Find out more at ACP Online.

Get Involved

See You in New Orleans! ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2025 is April 3-5.

Registration includes special sessions for medical students including Mastering the Match, the Medical Student Abstract Competition, and Stump the Professor. You'll also receive access to the full Scientific Program and 30 days' post-meeting access to all recorded sessions, giving you more time to learn on your schedule. Join us in person or virtually for only $60.

Chapter Chatter

Expand Your Professional Network with ACP Local Chapter Opportunities

ACP chapters offer local programs and activities for medical students, such as scientific meetings and awards programs. Each chapter is uniquely tailored to the needs and interests of ACP members in that area. More importantly, chapters provide a professional home for medical students and offer opportunities for networking, leadership, and submitting abstracts. Visit your chapter website to learn more about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.


ACP IMpact is copyrighted ©2025 by the American College of Physicians.