Document Title
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. Letter to Health Care Financing Administration.
Nelson, Alan R., MD, MACP. DuMoulin, Robert.
Insurance, Health, Reimbursement;Insurance Coverage;Medicare;Rate Setting and Review;United States Health Care Financing Administration
Creation Date
Modified Date
Document Adobe Metadata
{"Author":"Nelson, Alan R., MD, MACP. DuMoulin, Robert.","Producer":"Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Creator":"Acrobat 4.0 Capture Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Keywords":"Insurance, Health, Reimbursement;Insurance Coverage;Medicare;Rate Setting and Review;United States Health Care Financing Administration","ModDate":"2001-02-07T15:58:44-08:00","Abstract":"ASIM supports HCFA's approach to updating evaluation and management (E\/M) services, with some minor technical exceptions. ASIM also strongly supports HCFA's proposal not to increase the work relative values of surgical services with global periods.","Title":"Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. Letter to Health Care Financing Administration.","CreationDate":"2001-02-07T15:57:47-08:00","DateApproved":"1996-06-20","Pages":1}
Document Type Year