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Medicare Managed Care. Letter to Health Care Financing Adminstration.
Nelson, Alan R., MD, MACP. Doherty, Robert.
United States Health Care Financing Administration;Medicare;Managed Care Programs
Creation Date
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{"Author":"Nelson, Alan R., MD, MACP. Doherty, Robert.","Producer":"Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Creator":"Acrobat 4.0 Capture Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Keywords":"United States Health Care Financing Administration;Medicare;Managed Care Programs","ModDate":"2001-04-19T13:36:41-04:00","Abstract":"In conclusion, ASIM appreciates the thorough response we received from HCFA's Office of Managed Care. Although we are encouraged by the fact that it outlines several initiatives that are responsive to our recommendations on improving choice, access and quality, we concur with the conclusions in the new GAO report on the need to promptly implement requirements that will give beneficiaries the information needed to make an informed choice of health plan. We believe that there is an urgent need to improve the appeals and grievance process. We believe that HCFA must develop specific proposals for incorporating the views of physicians and beneficiaries in health plan's medical policies. Improvements in quality review and in the standards governing access to services are also needed. Finally, ASIM believes that HCFA's Office of Managed Care must develop mechanisms to invite regular, ongoing participation of physician and beneficiary groups into its decision-making process to balance the perspectives of the managed care organizations that HCFA typically consults.","Title":"Medicare Managed Care. Letter to Health Care Financing Adminstration.","DocType":"Regulatory Response","CreationDate":"2001-04-19T13:35:20-04:00","DateApproved":"1996-11-01","Pages":2}
Document Type