Document Title
Medicare FY Budget 1999. Letter to U.S. Senate Finance Committee.
User Fee Coalition.
Medicare;United States Health Care Financing Administration;Insurance, Health, Reimbursement
Creation Date
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Document Adobe Metadata
{"Author":"User Fee Coalition.","Producer":"Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Creator":"Acrobat 4.0 Capture Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Keywords":"Medicare;United States Health Care Financing Administration;Insurance, Health, Reimbursement","ModDate":"2001-04-20T14:14:05-04:00","Abstract":"The User Fee Coalition (including ACP-ASIM) urges the Senate Finance Committee to reject any legislation Authorizing new user fees aimed at the healthcare provider community. These fees, as contained in President Clinton's FY99 Budget Request for the Health Care Financing Administration, are simply a back-door attempt at levying new taxes on Medicare providers. Though we are pleased to note that both the House and the Senate Appropriations' Committees did not include new user fees in their Labor\/ HHS bills, we are concerned that the Senate measure includes report language recommending funding levels that would include these fees.","Title":"Medicare FY Budget 1999. Letter to U.S. Senate Finance Committee.","CreationDate":"2001-04-20T14:11:57-04:00","DateApproved":"1998-09-14","Pages":2}
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