Document Title
Joint Letter Calling for Effective Commitments on Climate and Health Equity at the 2021 United Nations Climate Negotiations
Joint letter from the 2021 United Nations Climate Negotiations calling for leaders of every country and their representatives to avert the impending health catastrophe and make human health and equity central to all climate change mitigation and adaptation actions.
Genna Hewett-Abbott
Climate change, Greenhouse gas emissions, Health equity, Heat-related illness, Respiratory disease, Extreme weather events, Vector-borne disease, Water-borne disease, Behavior health, Paris Agreement
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Document Adobe Metadata
{"Author":"Genna Hewett-Abbott","Comments":"","Company":"","CreationDate":"2021-10-08T09:32:13-04:00","Creator":"Acrobat PDFMaker 11 for Word","Keywords":"Climate change, Greenhouse gas emissions, Health equity, Heat-related illness, Respiratory disease, Extreme weather events, Vector-borne disease, Water-borne disease, Behavior health, Paris Agreement\r\n","ModDate":"2021-10-08T09:52:50-04:00","Producer":"Adobe PDF Library 11.0","SourceModified":"","Subject":"","Title":"Joint Letter Calling for Effective Commitments on Climate and Health Equity at the 2021 United Nations Climate Negotiations","Pages":2}
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