Document Title
Health Insurance Reform Act (S. 1028). Letter to Labor and Human Resources Committee, U.S. Senate.
Insurance Coverage;Accessibility, Health Services;Health Care Reform
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{"Producer":"Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Creator":"Acrobat 4.0 Capture Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Keywords":"Insurance Coverage;Accessibility, Health Services;Health Care Reform","ModDate":"2001-05-16T12:39:02-04:00","Abstract":"Congress has debated health care reform for many years now without significant conclusive action. Your bill advances targeted reforms while eschewing federal bureaucracies, increased taxes and employer mandates. We especially appreciate the deference given state insurance laws that promote access to affordable health insurance in the individual market. The stifling effects of inequitable insurance restrictions can no longer be ignored. The time to enact targeted, narrow reform is now. The undersigned groups support your efforts to pass reasonable health insurance reform and are prepared to assist you to make affordable and accessible health insurance a reality for millions of Americans.","Title":"Health Insurance Reform Act (S. 1028). Letter to Labor and Human Resources Committee, U.S. Senate.","DocType":"Formal Statement","CreationDate":"2001-05-16T12:37:52-04:00","DateApproved":"1996-02-29","Pages":2}
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