Document Title
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Funds Distribution from Medicaid Cases Against the Tobacco Industry. Letter to U.S. Senate.
ENACT Coalition.
Tobacco;United States Health Care Financing Administration;Medicaid
Creation Date
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{"Author":"ENACT Coalition.","Producer":"Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Creator":"Acrobat 4.0 Capture Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Keywords":"Tobacco;United States Health Care Financing Administration;Medicaid","ModDate":"2001-04-20T14:28:54-04:00","Abstract":"The ENACT coalition, a coalition of major public health organizations, does not object to legislation that would permit the states to retain the funds they receive in these cases, provided, however, that a significant amount of the funds recovered (no less than 30 percent of the federal portion of these funds) is earmarked to reduce tobacco use and the harms caused by tobacco. We oppose legislation, however, that would waive the federal government's share of these funds if that legislation does not specifically set aside money to reduce tobacco use and the death and disease caused by tobacco.","Title":"Funds Distribution from Medicaid Cases Against the Tobacco Industry. Letter to U.S. Senate.","DocType":"Formal Statement","CreationDate":"2001-04-20T14:26:48-04:00","DateApproved":"1998-10-06","Pages":3}
Document Type