Document Title
Funds Distribution from Medicaid Cases Against the Tobacco Industry. Letter to U.S. President William Jefferson Clinton.
ENACT Coalition.
Tobacco;United States Health Care Financing Administration;Medicaid
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{"Author":"ENACT Coalition.","Producer":"Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Creator":"Acrobat 4.0 Capture Plug-in for Windows\u0000","Keywords":"Tobacco;United States Health Care Financing Administration;Medicaid","ModDate":"2001-04-20T14:32:31-04:00","Abstract":"There is an effort in Congress to waive the federal government's claim to any of the funds received as a result of the state's Medicaid cases against the tobacco industry without requiring a single penny to be spent on programs to reduce tobacco use or the death toll from tobacco. For the last four years, you have been a constant and forceful voice for the need for strong action to reduce tobacco use, particularly among children. In light of your commitment to reduce tobacco use, and of the pediatric epidemic of tobacco addiction in America, the ENACT coalition, a coalition of major public health organizations, would be outraged if the administration allowed this amendment to be enacted into law without requiring any money to be spent to protect our nation's children from tobacco. We urge you to insist that any waiver of the federal government's share of these Medicaid funds include a specific provision requiring a substantial percentage of these monies to be used to reduce tobacco use.","Title":"Funds Distribution from Medicaid Cases Against the Tobacco Industry. Letter to U.S. President William Jefferson Clinton.","DocType":"Formal Statement","CreationDate":"2001-04-20T14:30:47-04:00","DateApproved":"1998-10-08","Pages":2}
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