- Facility
SUB-3a Alcohol & Other Drug Use Disorder Treatment Provided or Offered at Discharge and SUB-3a Alcohol & Other Drug Use Disorder
The measure is reported as an overall rate which includes all hospitalized patients 18 years of age and older to whom alcohol or drug use disorder treatment was provided, or offered and refused, at the time of hospital discharge, and a second rate, a subset of the first, which includes only those patients who received alcohol or drug use disorder treatment at discharge. The Provided or Offered rate (SUB-3) describes patients who are identified with alcohol or drug use disorder who receive or refuse at discharge a prescription for FDA-approved medications for alcohol or drug use disorder, OR who receive or refuse a referral for addictions treatment. The Alcohol and Other Drug Disorder Treatment at Discharge (SUB-3a) rate describes only those who receive a prescription for FDA-approved medications for alcohol or drug use disorder OR a referral for addictions treatment. Those who refused are not included.
These measures are intended to be used as part of a set of 4 linked measures addressing Substance Use (SUB-1 Alcohol Use Screening ; SUB-2 Alcohol Use Brief Intervention Provided or Offered; SUB-3 Alcohol and Other Drug Use Disorder Treatment Provided or Offered at Discharge; SUB-4 Alcohol and Drug Use: Assessing Status after Discharge [temporarily suspended]).
Date Reviewed: July 21, 2018