Document Title
ACP Comments on the Office of the National Coordinator's Draft Version of the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan for 2015-2020
The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) released a draft Federal Health IT Strategic Plan for 201-2020 which outlined specific objectives and strategy goals for advancing Health IT across the country. The agency solicited public comments from interested parties, the ACP Medical Informatics Committee provided their comments in the form of this letter.
Thomson Kuhn
ONC, health IT strategic plan, 2015, 2020
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Document Adobe Metadata
{"Author":"Thomson Kuhn","CreationDate":"2015-01-30T15:30:11+00:00","Creator":"Word","Keywords":"\"ONC, health IT strategic plan, 2015, 2020\"","ModDate":"2019-09-26T11:39:52-04:00","Producer":"Mac OS X 10.10.1 Quartz PDFContext","Subject":"","Title":"ACP Comments on the Office of the National Coordinator's Draft Version of the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 ","Pages":19,"pdf:producer":"Mac OS X 10.10.1 Quartz PDFContext","pdf:keywords":"\"ONC, health IT strategic plan, 2015, 2020\"","xmp:creatortool":"Word","xmp:createdate":"2015-01-30T15:30:11Z","xmp:modifydate":"2019-09-26T11:39:52-04:00","xmp:metadatadate":"2019-09-26T11:39:52-04:00","dc:format":"application\/pdf","dc:title":"ACP Comments on the Office of the National Coordinator's Draft Version of the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 ","dc:creator":"Thomson Kuhn","dc:description":"","dc:subject":"ONC, health IT strategic plan, 2015, 2020","xmpmm:documentid":"uuid:890e4c47-21dc-47fa-aab6-dccb76d51eb8","xmpmm:instanceid":"uuid:5c077425-1b64-4121-b96f-278ea775587c"}
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