Document Title
ACP Comments on 2022 Physician Fee Schedule & Quality Payment Program Proposed Rule
ACP comments and recommendations to CMS regarding payment policies under the Physician Fee Schedule, Quality Payment Program and other federal programs for CY 2022 and beyond.
PFS; fee schedule; COVID-19; Coronavirus; virus; coronavirus disease 2019; public health emergency; PHE; telehealth services; telemedicine; telephone calls; virtual visits; prolonged services; evaluation and management; critical care services; documentation; guidelines; care management; scope of practice; primary care management; supervision; teaching hospitals; Stark; AKS; anti-kickback; opioid epidemic; opioid treatment program; remote patient monitoring; shared savings; quality payment program; hardship exception; QPP; MIPS; APM; vaccine administration services; clinical laboratory fee schedule; allowance; self-referral regulations; electronic prescribing of controlled substances; appropriate use criteria program; artificial intelligence; innovative technology; health equity; diabetes prevention program; digital quality measures.
Creation Date
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Document Adobe Metadata
{"Author":"Disha","CreationDate":"2021-09-13T13:41:42-07:00","Creator":"Microsoft Word","Keywords":"PFS; fee schedule; COVID-19; Coronavirus; virus; coronavirus disease 2019; public health emergency; PHE; telehealth services; telemedicine; telephone calls; virtual visits; prolonged services; evaluation and management; critical care services; documentation; guidelines; care management; scope of practice; primary care management; supervision; teaching hospitals; Stark; AKS; anti-kickback; opioid epidemic; opioid treatment program; remote patient monitoring; shared savings; quality payment program; hardship exception; QPP; MIPS; APM; vaccine administration services; clinical laboratory fee schedule; allowance; self-referral regulations; electronic prescribing of controlled substances; appropriate use criteria program; artificial intelligence; innovative technology; health equity; diabetes prevention program; digital quality measures. ","ModDate":"2021-09-15T09:41:13-04:00","Title":"ACP Comments on 2022 Physician Fee Schedule & Quality Payment Program Proposed Rule","Pages":59}
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