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February 2022

Chapter ECP Leader News Update

Early Career Physician Chapter Leaders,

We are pleased to deliver the second edition of the Council of Early Career Physicians (CECP) newsletter for early career physician chapter leaders. With this newsletter, we hope to increase communication between the national CECP and ECP chapter leaders by highlighting CECP activities, promoting ACP activities and initiatives that may be of interest to early career physicians, and sharing best practices from various chapter ECP councils. If you missed our September newsletter, you can access it anytime on the ACP CECP webpage.

We have recently created a GroupMe for national CECP members and ECP chapter leaders to network; discuss best practices in managing your councils; and disseminate relevant ACP events, deadlines, and opportunities for early career physicians. You can sign up at Please note, the link is for ACP ECP chapter leaders only and should not be shared with anyone else because this is a closed group.

If you have any questions about a newsletter item or getting further involved in ACP, please e-mail us. If you have an idea, a request, or a wish to submit a story from your chapter for a future newsletter, please e-mail us.

Ryan Kraemer, MD, FACP
Chair, Council of Early Career Physicians

Tracey L. Henry, MD, FACP
Chair-elect, Council of Early Career Physicians

Update From the CECP

The Council was fortunate to have 29 outstanding applicants for seats on the CECP this year. Read more about current activities of the CECP.

ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 Is Just Around the Corner

For me, springtime brings a focus on rejuvenation and reunions with family and friends. And, on this list is the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting. Read more about Dr. Sagar's plans to attend ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2002.

ACP Resources

There are so many great resources on the ACP website that it can be easy to overlook very helpful information. In this section of the newsletter, we will highlight specific resources that may be of interest to ECPs.

How'd They Do That? Massachusetts Happy Hour Journal Club

An early career physician chapter activity, Massachusetts Happy Hour Journal Club, is described in detail so that other chapter councils of early career physicians may plan similar events.

How It Started. How It's Going: An Interview With Ryan Mire, MD, FACP, ACP President-Elect

Dr. Tracey Henry talks with Dr. Ryan Mire, ACP President-Elect and former representative to the national CECP, about how Dr. Mire became involved with ACP and what advice he would give to early career physicians.

Meet a Council Member

An introduction to Dr. Ross Hilliard, a CECP representative in his second year on the Council.

Congratulatory Corner

Dr. Tiffany Leung is the 2022 recipient of the ACP Walter J. McDonald Award for Early Career Physicians.


Chapter ECP Leader News Update is copyrighted ©2022 by the American College of Physicians.