Noel N. Deep, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Welcome from the Governor
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings to you from the Northwoods. I hope and pray that all of you and your families are continuing to be safe and healthy. 2020 has definitely turned our lives around. My sincere thanks to all our physicians and healthcare workers who are working hard to take care of our patients during these difficult times.
I would like to share some news with you about ACP and the activities at the national and state level. In September, we had our state chapter Annual Scientific Meeting in a virtual format. We were one of the first chapters to successfully arrange for a completely virtual format and the feedback has been positive. I would like to thank our Program Co-chairs, Planning Committee and our chapter staff for putting together this nearly flawless presentation. Our Women's Committee hosted the breakfast presentation with physicians sharing their personal life experiences. I would encourage interested individuals to watch this presentation, and if you are interested in contributing to the series “In the life of this Wisconsin Physician”, please send in your submission email to Delaney Mielke delaney@acpwi.org with a cover letter. Additional information can be found here.
2020 Annual Scientific Meeting
Thank you to all who attended the 2020 ACP-WI Annual Scientific Meeting - September 11-12, 2020. If you have not claimed the CME credit, or wish to re-watch any of the presentations, please visit our Virtual Meeting Hub.
The attendees had the opportunity to hear the oral presentations and see the displayed posters from several medical students and resident physicians from across the state. Please see below for the winners of the Edwin L. Overholt Resident/Fellow Member Vignette Competition and the Addis and Mary Lou Costello Family Award for Excellence in Medicine Displayed Poster Competition.
Addis and Mary Lou Costello Family Award for Excellence in Medicine Displayed Poster Competition Winners
First Place: Olivia McCarty - Medical College of Wisconsin
Second Place: Stephanie L. Pritzl - University of Wisconsin
Third Place: Nathalie Abenoza - Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 Edwin L. Overholt Resident/Fellow Member Clinical Vignette Competition Winners
Winner: Anatoliy Nechyporenko, MD - University of Wisconsin
Runner Up: Soumya Pulipati, MD - Marshfield Medical Center
2020 Edwin L. Overholt Resident/Fellow Member Research Vignette Competition Winners
Winner: Nikhitha Chandrashekar, MD – Gundersen Health
Runner Up: Lindsay A. Matthews, MD - University of Wisconsin
During the Chapter's annual meeting, we had an opportunity to recognize some internists from our state for their valuable contributions to our profession and to our patients. Here are the 2020 ACP-WI awardees:

2020 ACP-WI Addis Costello Internist of the Year Award: Ian H. Gilson, MD, FACP
The Addis Costello Award is given by the ACP Wisconsin Chapter in memory of Dr. Costello, a Milwaukee physician leader who worked tirelessly on socioeconomic concerns affecting the practice of Internal Medicine. This award honors a practicing internist for his or her diligent efforts or achievements in the socioeconomic aspects of medical practice.
Dr. Gilson has devoted his entire career to caring for underserved populations in Wisconsin and around the world. He entered clinical practice just as HIV/AIDS was becoming a national and international health crisis and was among the first HIV/AIDS specialists in our state. Throughout his career, Dr. Gilson has held various leadership roles in professional organizations that permitted him to influence health policy at local, regional and national levels. His work has also expanded to the care of other marginalized populations including those with substance abuse disorders and opioid dependence.

2020 ACP-WI Advancement of Women's Health Award: Venice Williams and Alice's Garden Urban Farm
This award recognizes a physician, resident, student, lay person, or community organization that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of women's health.
Venice Williams serves as the Executive Director of Alice's Garden and has been this non-profit organization's visionary leader since 2014. This urban community garden was established in 1972 at 21st and Garfield in Milwaukee in a space that was occupied by a former neighborhood demolished for a freeway project that never happened. Alice's Garden's mission is to provide models of regenerative farming, community cultural development, and economic agricultural enterprises with the recognition of the importance of cultivating, preparing, and preserving of food and food traditions as cultural arts to be claimed by urban communities.

2020 ACP-WI Distinguished Internist of the Year Award: Richard J. Battiola, MD, FACP
The ACP Wisconsin Chapter honors a career of exceptional effort and contribution to the science and art of Internal Medicine in keeping with the ideals and mission of the College. The Distinguished Internist of the Year Award recognizes Wisconsin chapter Masters or Fellows for remarkable achievements in the field of Internal Medicine. A career is defined practicing internal medicine or a “subspecialty” for at least 20 years.
Dr. Battiola has authored many scholarly publications with seminal observations published in prestigious, peer-reviewed medical journals. His publications include areas as diverse as the importance of beta blocker use after myocardial infarction, herpes zoster in health care workers and augmentation of immunity following hepatitis B vaccinations.
Service to the American College of Physicians and the Chapter has been wide-ranging including memberships on the Governor's Advisory Council and Annual Scientific Meeting Planning Committee, among other contributions.

2020 ACP-WI Early Career Internist of the Year Award: Katherine E. Reimer, MD, FACP
This award recognizes the outstanding contributions of an early career internist in clinical practice, research and/or medical education. Early career physicians are defined as practicing internal medicine for less than 10 years.
Dr. Reimer has had a truly exemplary start to her professional career, focusing on both clinical practice and teaching. Her involvement in teaching began immediately in the internal medicine residency program and she has also had many roles as a clinical teacher with her alma mater. Recently, Dr. Reimer was named the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Intern Prep Course Director for MCHS and is the assistant Marshfield Site Director for the WARM program. She is also on the MCHS Internal Medicine Residency Clinical Competency Committee.

2020 ACP-WI Legislator of the Year Award: Governor Tony Evers
This award recognizes the efforts of an individual or group of state legislators who have diligently worked to promote the medical health and wellness of Wisconsin residents.
Governor Evers was nominated for his efforts in helping Wisconsin navigate the COVID 19 pandemic. His administration's “Safer at Home” policy followed the science in line with guidance from local public health organizations, the CDC, and WHO. Governor Evers and his administration faced stiff political opposition in enacting this order but not before it helped Wisconsin “flatten the curve” this spring. He continues to facilitate best practices in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, most recently with a mask mandate, again despite stiff political opposition. For his leadership and continued efforts to assist local public health officials, first responders, health care workers and all citizens in Wisconsin navigate this deadly and disruptive pandemic, we are pleased to award Governor Evers the ACP-Wisconsin Chapter Legislator of the Year for 2020.

2020 ACP-WI Laureate Award: Steven B. Pearson, MD, MACP
The Laureate Award honors those Fellows or Masters of the College who have demonstrated by their example and conduct an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, or research, and in service to their community, their Chapter, and the American College of Physicians.
Dr. Pearson has been very strongly supportive of College activities. He has vigorously advanced ACP membership of residents, fellows, and new faculty members of his department. On the Wisconsin ACP Council, Dr. Pearson has served as the associate program co-chair, the secretary, the Governor-elect, and the Governor. As a pinnacle of his career, he was awarded Mastership in the ACP in 2017.
Dr. Pearson is a brilliant bedside clinician. It is well known to his residents and colleagues alike that he is an extraordinarily knowledgeable and insightful internist, with an in-depth knowledge base in every area of internal medicine. He is a “doctor's doctor” and was recently sought out to teach non-hospital physicians how to care for the hospitalized patient during the COVID-19 pandemic.
I heartily congratulate all of these awardees.
Online Resources
Our ACP has resources to help practicing physicians navigate the Coronavirus pandemic. This ACP-produced resource can be easily accessed on handheld devices and provides a clinical overview of infection control and patient care guidance. CME credit and MOC points available.
As we continue to provide care for our patients with Coronavirus, let us continue to provide the preventive healthcare that is needed, and encourage our patients to be up to date with their preventive healthcare. Here is a link to the ACP's article on this topic.
As we approach the Influenza season, I would like to encourage all of us to ensure that our patients receive their Influenza and other immunizations. Let us use every opportunity available to provide the education and immunizations to our patients. Here are links to the ACP's “I Raise the Rates initiative and Initiative to Raise the Adult Immunization Rates in Primary Care
Internal Medicine Meeting 2021, ACP's Annual Meeting, is now virtual.
Our ACP continues to provide us with resources to help with our practices.
ACP's goal is to provide clinicians with recommendations based on the best available evidence; to inform clinicians of when there is no evidence; and finally, to help clinicians deliver the best health care possible.
Best wishes for safety and good health.
Noel N. Deep, M.D., FACP
Governor, ACP Wisconsin Chapter