In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- ACP Resources
- Advocacy
- ACP Fellowship
- Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 & Chapter Reception
- Chapter Committees
- Save the Date! 2022 Wisconsin Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting
- Volunteer Opportunities
Noel N. Deep, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome
Dear colleagues,
Warm greetings to you!
Spring is almost here, and I am thankful for the mild winter that we had this year. I am hoping that all of us are enjoying the longer days, and more importantly the milder conditions with the waning of the COVID-19 cases across the state. It has been a very stressful two years for all of us in healthcare. Physicians and in particular internal medicine specialists have demonstrated their resilience and commitment to our patients and our communities during these very difficult times. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the outstanding service that all of you have provided to our patients at great risk to your own health.
I would like to bring you some news about the state and national ACP activities.
ACP Resources
I would like to start by sharing with you these resources from the American College of Physicians:
ACP Successfully Implements Two Initial Video Series on COVID-19 Misinformation and Vaccine Education
The American College of Physicians (ACP) recently released the initial set of educational videos for their two new series to combat misinformation about the COVID-19 virus and encourage vaccination. The “Ask Your Internist and “Physician to Physician Conversations series were developed as a result of a partnership with YouTube, with the goal of presenting practical strategies for physicians and other health care professionals to address misinformation and build vaccine confidence as well as providing accurate medical information to patients from trusted physician messengers.
COVID-19 Practice Management Resources
The ACP provides ongoing educational and practice resources available on the ACP website. These resources are intended to help practices manage the non-clinical aspects of the pandemic, and are updated as newer updates become available. This includes information for internists and practice management resources.
Adult Immunization
This resource hub was developed as part of ACP's I Raise the Rates initiative to assist physicians and their teams to assess, understand and improve adult immunization rates and patient outcomes in their clinical settings. I encourage you to check out the 2022 ACIP Adult Immunization Recommendations. In these videos, Dr. Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, MD, MACP explains the 2022 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' Adult Immunization Recommendations. These videos were developed through ACP's I Raise the Rates program supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Sanofi Pasteur.
Clinical Guidelines & Recommendations
Please check out the Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations on the ACP website. It is a valuable resource to internists. ACP's goal is to provide clinicians with recommendations based on the best available evidence; to inform clinicians of when there is no evidence; and finally, to help clinicians deliver the best health care possible.
What ACP Advocacy Did for You and Your Patients in 2021
While this past year continued to be marked by challenge, upheaval, and uncertainty, ACP continued to lead through change and strongly advocate on behalf of you and your patients to improve your daily practice and your patients' health care. Administrative burdens, inadequate physician payments, high drug prices, and lack of access to affordable health care coverage are making it harder for internists to practice medicine, earn a living, and help patients.
ACP advocates for policies that improve patients' health care and well-being along with a persistent push for better reimbursement for internists and the elimination of unnecessary administrative tasks that hinder your practice of medicine. ACP continues to lobby legislators and regulators for changes that can successfully improve your daily work experience and free you up to focus on the care you were trained to provide. Read more about ACP's Advocacy Efforts in 2021.
Legislative Advocacy is one of our chapter activities and a priority and we have an active and robust Health and Public Policy Committee which advises your chapter governor and the Advisory Council on legislative and advocacy matters that are relevant to our patients and our profession.
Leadership Day
Leadership Day is the College's annual two-day advocacy event in Washington, DC that enables our members from across the country to bring our issues of concern to U.S. lawmakers. This is a great opportunity for the College and our members to bring our policy priorities to Congress and try to influence the legislative process on behalf of internal medicine. The ACP Leadership Day in Washington, DC will be on May 17-18, 2022.
For more information about Leadership Day and to get involved, please click here.
ACP Fellowship
Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices. Please check out the details for advancement to Fellowship and reach out to me if I can be of any assistance in advancing you to Fellowship.
Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 & Chapter Reception
ACP's Internal Medicine Meeting will be in Chicago, IL from April 28-30, 2022. I am looking forward to seeing and meeting up with many of you there. If you are attending #IM2022, please attend our Chapter Reception on Thursday evening after the Convocation from 8:00PM - 10:30PM in the Shedd AB Meeting Room on Level 2 at the Marriott Marquis Chicago, 2121 South Prairie Avenue, Chicago IL, 60616.
American College of Physicians Convocation Ceremony
The Convocation of the American College of Physicians is an annual ceremony whereby the College recognizes and applauds its new Fellows and the recipients of various honors. It is a ceremony of tradition, transition, renewal, and celebration. The next convocation will be on
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at the Annual IM 2022 meeting in Chicago. If you have been elected to Fellowship within the past 3 years, and have not marched in a convocation, I encourage to consider doing so, and I look forward to marching with you.
Chapter Committees
The Wisconsin Chapter recently established three new committees- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee chaired by Dr. Ridhwi Mukerji, FACP; Physician Well-being and Professional Fulfilment Committee chaired by Dr. Margaret Paulson, FACP; and Resolutions Committee chaired by Dr. Sophie Kramer, FACP. In addition, our chapter has also established the Council of Medical Student Members chaired by Ms. Harini Shah. Please reach out to me, Dr. Ann Maguire, Governor-Elect or the chairs of these committees and council if you are interested in serving on these committees or would like to suggest someone to serve.
Save the Date! 2022 Wisconsin Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting
September 9 - 10 | Wilderness Resort & Glacier Canyon Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells, WI
I invite you to attend the Wisconsin Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting at the Wilderness Resort & Glacier Canyon Conference Center In Wisconsin Dells.
If you would like to participate in our Annual Scientific Meeting as faculty, require information about advancing to Fellowship, or would like to be more involved in our chapter activities, please contact me.
Volunteer Opportunities
Are you interested in serving ACP as a volunteer leader? Please be sure to keep your volunteer profile up to date by clicking here.
I look forward to seeing you soon! Please feel free to reach out to me at any time.
Noel N. Deep, M.D., FACP
Governor, ACP Wisconsin Chapter
Phone: 715-216-1301
Email: noeldeep@yahoo.com