In this Issue:
- Message from the Governor
- Internal Medicine Meeting 2024
- Join An ACP TN Chapter Committee
- Tennessee ACP Volunteer Service Month
- Fellowship
- Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG) Sponsorship Applications
- Take Action!

Catherine R. Womack, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Message from the Governor
Dear Members,
I am happy to be writing to you after attending our National meeting in Boston. During the meeting, there were so many opportunities for learning. I always feel a little smarter and cannot wait to implement the new knowledge that I have gained into my practice. At Convocation, our new Tennessee Fellows were announced, and it was a treat to meet the new Fellows from all over our state. I urge you to consider applying for Fellowship. I was proud to celebrate our Fellows, Award winners and our new Master. Our next National meeting, April 3-5, 2025, is in New Orleans, so please mark your calendars for next year. You can find more information about the ACP national meeting here: Internal Medicine Meeting 2025.
The ACP is working tirelessly to advocate for patients' and physicians' interests. One of our key initiatives is to tie Medicare reimbursement for payments to the inflation rate which is how hospitals are reimbursed. Currently, many physicians have not seen a raise in reimbursement rates since before I started practicing in 1998. (It did go up due to ACP advocacy, but we lost those gains with the recent Medicare cuts.) Adjusting reimbursement rates to reflect inflation is essential to ensure fair compensation for physicians' services and to support the sustainability of healthcare practices. We also need to give doctors the autonomy they need to practice medicine by addressing the delay in care that occurs with the current prior authorization procedure. Link to Advocating to reduce burden of prior authorization. CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (CMS-0057-F)
We had a wonderful discussion at the Board of Governors meeting, and through our resolution process will continue to address the maintenance of certification at the national level. For Leadership Day, we are so fortunate to have residents, medical students and practicing physicians from all over the state attending to discuss issues that are important to our patients and you. Please look out for a recap and updates from Leadership Day soon.
I look forward to my last year as your Governor and am excited about the opportunities to collaborate, innovate, and make a meaningful difference in healthcare together. We have a wonderful state meeting planned for October 18-19, 2024. Registration information will be posted soon on our TN Chapter website.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our shared mission.
Catherine R. Womack
Internal Medicine Meeting 2024
Dr. Dan Ely, Governor Elect for our TN ACP Chapter, and I celebrated our chapter successes at the national meeting. Our Doctor's Dilemma team from Nashville (who were supported by our past Governor Dr. Tracey Doering and the Internal Medicine Program Director, Dr. Melissa Scalise) won the first round and played in the finals. Our Tennessee reception was held with the North Carolina and Georgia Chapters. Next year, we would love to meet with you in New Orleans as Dr. Ely takes over the leadership of our Tennessee Chapter.
Congratulations to our 2024 Fellows, Master and Awardees!

Convocation attendees with new Fellows pictured Dr. Photios Vassilyadi, Dr. Terri Alford, Dr. Michelle Allmon, GE-Dr. Dan Ely, Dr. Emily Brown, Gov. Dr. Catherine Womack, Dr. Victoria Okafor, Dr. Laura Youngblood, Dr. Kelly Coches, Dr. Orlando Simeon C Rodriguez, Dr. Robert Montgomery

Dr. Alva Weir, MD, MACP was awarded an ACP Mastership.

Dr.Mukta Panda, MD, MACP Outstand Contributions to Improving Well-being and Professional Fulfillment in Internal Medicine Award.
Our Doctor's Dilemma Team did a great job and made it to the final round.

Representing UTHSC-Nashville: Drs. Andrew Mikhael, James Acuff and Himanshi Patel
Pictured: Tracey Doering, MD, MACP Ambulatory Medical Director, Drs. Andrew Mikhael, James Acuff and Himanshi Patel and Missy Scalise, MD, FACP Associate Program Director.
Join An ACP TN Chapter Committee
Joining a TN ACP Committee is a great way to be more involved in our chapter.
Please browse our listing of current committees and their responsibilities. If you are interested in joining a committee, please complete the Committee Sign Up and indicate which committee(s) you would like to work with.
Membership Committee: Drs. Emily Brown and James B. Lewis, Jr.
The Membership Committee works to promote and advance the continuing growth and diversity of all classes of membership and are responsible for implementing chapter recruitment and retention initiatives.
Health and Public Policy: Drs. Kevin Smith and Michelle Allmon
The Health and Public Policy Committee's work deals with policy issues affecting the health care of the American public and the practice of internal medicine.
Communications Committee/Social Media Engagement: Chair Needed
The Communications Committee can be charged with the creation and management of social media and other forms of communications from the Chapter to the membership. This committee may also be responsible for the develop a communications strategy plan.
Resident and Student Committee: Dr. Gracelyn Bose, Chair Dr. Jake Sample, Vice Chair/Treasurer, and Dr. Sean Nottas, Vice-Chair/Secretary
This year, the ACP TN Chapter started a new Resident, Fellow and Student Committee which will help us ensure that the voices of our young physicians-to-be and physicians in training are heard.
Our Resident and Student Committee is dedicated to supporting the next generation of healthcare leaders. Whether you're a medical student, resident or fellow, we offer resources, mentorship opportunities, and networking events to help you navigate your medical journey with confidence and success.
We encourage all members to get involved and support our future leaders.
Early Career Physicians: Dr. Carrie Stallings and Dr. Photios Vassilyadi
Early Career Physician leaders represent Early Career Physicians, encourage involvement in activities, and ensuring that their unique needs are being met. Responsibilities of chapter CECP members may include developing educational programs that assist Early Career Physicians with their academic and professional needs and recognizing their contributions to the profession.
Wellness Committee: Dr. Mukta Panda, Dr. Desiree Burroughs-Ray and Dr. Benjamin Maddox.
The Wellness Committee provides activities and shares strategies to manage and enhance member well–being and professional fulfillment.
Watch your email for the save-the-date announcements for upcoming events.
Nominations and Awards: Dr. Tracey Doering
The Nominations Committee identifies Laureate, community service-volunteerism, and other local award candidates and select the recipients(s).
Volunteerism Committee: Dr. Tracey Doering, Chair
The Volunteerism committee promotes and organizes volunteerism and community service activities as a chapter. The committee may also recognize individual service done outside of chapter.
Tennessee ACP Volunteer Service Month
The volunteerism committee has designated May as Tennessee ACP volunteer service month. They want to collect your activities, both medical and non-medical, for the month of May and recognize all the good work you do!
Please document your volunteer service here, or email your service activity to ACP@tnmed.org Be sure to take pictures and send them via email so we can share all the good work with our members on social media.
Interested in Fellowship? Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices. Learn more about becoming an FACP® Advancement to Fellowship | ACP Webforms (acponline.org) .
Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG) Sponsorship Applications
Attention medical students! Are you interested in exploring the field of internal medicine? Internal Medicine Interest Groups (IMIGs) are organized groups of medical students who meet regularly to dive deeper into their interest in internal medicine. IMIGs offer programming that exposes students to various aspects of internal medicine and provide valuable networking opportunities.
Application Details:
Who Can Apply: ACP Medical Student Members
Application Deadline: Friday, June 1, 2024
Notification: You'll receive a notification if there's a duplicate submission from your medical school.
Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to explore your passion for internal medicine and connect with like-minded peers. Apply today!
Take Action!
We Need Your Input! Take the Physician Wellness Survey.
Nominate Tennessee ACP members for our Awards during our October meeting. Awards Nomination Form.