Governor's Newsletter - November 2020
In This Issue
- Governor's Message
- Chapter Meeting
- Chapter Abstract Competition
- Chapter Awards
- Governor-elect
- Committees
- COVID Resources
- Advocacy
- New Fellows
Tracey E. Doering, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Dear Colleagues:
Hope you are all staying well as we continue this pandemic. We had a spectacular virtual meeting in October. I sure missed seeing everyone in person and our plan is to be in person next year in Franklin.
Chapter Meeting
The meeting included a talk on hospital medicine and COVID, telehealth, HIV update and more. The full agenda can be viewed here.
If you pre-registered for the meeting, you can access the links to claim CME/MOC on the Virtual Meeting Hub found on the chapter website. If you didn't have an opportunity to join us for the meeting, you can still view the recordings and obtain CME credits and MOC points. Please visit the College Store to register and gain access to the meeting.
Chapter Abstract Competition
Our poster winners were:
Getting a Handle on the Situation: An Uncommon Cause For A Common Presentation, by Benjamin Emery at UT Chattanooga
Resident/Fellow Research/Quality Improvement First Place
Epidemiological Differences in Incidence and Survival of Ureteral Cancer in USA, 2000-2016, by Ahmed Minhas at ETSU
Student First Place (3-way tie)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy-Induced Seizures in Patients on Tramadol: A Case Series, by Christine Joyce at UTMC
A Case of COVID-induced SIADH, by Irtiqa Fazili at UTHSC
Clinical and Socioeconomic Predictors of Palliative Care Use, by Rohan Tummala at UT-Memphis
You may click these links to watch their presentations. We hope to make available all of the submissions on our website. We had a record number of entries through this format at 62, and may do this in the future.
Chapter Awards
Laureate Award: Dr. Ryan Mire
Volunteerism and Community Service Award: Dr. Trey Harrell
Joseph Frederick Ralston Jr. Medical Scholarship Award: Jim Ralston and Wills Ralston
Chapter Service Award: Dr. Maria Tudor
Resident Recognition Award for Leadership: Dr. David Jones, UTHSC, Memphis
Woman Physician of the Year: Dr. Mukta Panda
Distinguished Teacher/Mentor Award: Dr. Paul McNabb
Read more about our awardees and join us in congratulating them!
I want to encourage all of you to submit nominations for your colleagues when the nomination request comes out. We have so many wonderful people that deserve recognition, and we want to do that.
Dr. Catherine Womack will take over as Governor after the April national ACP meeting. She and I have been zooming a lot and she is excited and wants to really get more membership involvement, and activities. Stay tuned!
We have numerous committees and would like to expand these in size with two co-chairs and then a member from each area of the state-west, east and middle.
The committees are listed below and please let me know if you are interested in serving on one or more of these.
Health and Public Policy
Early Career Physicians
Program Planning Committee
Student Committee
Resident/Fellow Committee
Social Media
We would like to see some combined meetings of student, residents and fellows (perhaps with early career physicians).
Please email me at and I can put you in touch with the current chair and get you involved. Commitment involves some meetings occurring virtually at this time.
COVID Resources
There continues to be excellent information, updated regularly on COVID through the national ACP site. Please check out these resources.
We continue to work hard on the issue of independent practice for nurses and PAs. There is a coalition of multiple medical groups/societies, of which TN ACP is a member, working on this regularly, as it is likely to be brought up again in 2021.
I would like all members to sign up for advocacy in internal medicine. Please do this as you can then keep up with all pressing issues, and it does help us with our chapter award if we get a percentage enrolled. The link is here.
New Fellows
I want to be sure we recognize our new Fellows for 2020 thus far! I look forward them marching in a Convocation ceremony in the future!
Tennessee New Fellows – 2020
Jamie K. Bartley, DO, FACP
Ketul P. Vora, MD, FACP
Robert Burns, MD, FACP
Sunil B. Kripalani, MD, FACP
Chetan D. Shah, MD, FACP
Santiago J. Aguilar Duenas, MD, FACP
Cody A. Chastain, MD, FACP
Alex Jordan Chinn, MD, FACP
Rowena J. Dolor, MD, FACP
Amber J. Evans, MD, FACP
Furqan Habib Khattak, MD, FACP
Michael E. Mitchell, MD, FACP
Devika Nair, MD, FACP
Phillip R. Northcross, MD, FACP
Orlando Simeon C. Rodriguez, MD, FACP
Tripp A. Dargie, MD, FACP
Kalpit H. Devani, MD, FACP
Shruti Adiga, MD, FACP
Lillian P. Burke, MD, FACP
Elizabeth John, MD, FACP
Noridia Mauras, DO, FACP
Jennifer T. Rayburn, MD, FACP
Lovie A. Stallworth, MD, FACP
Adrien K Strickland, MD, FACP
I really cannot believe that there are only 6 months left in my term as Governor. I would like to accomplish some more before I finish, so let me know of anything I might do to help you and your practice and wellbeing.
Hope your holidays are filled with joy, peace and gratitude!
Warmest regards,