As Governor, Dr. Womack serves as the official representative of the College for the Tennessee Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about Dr. Womack, read her bio below.
Catherine R. Womack, MD, FACP 
Medical School Education: The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) College of Medicine
Post-Doctoral Training: Internal Medicine Residency, UTHSC
Certification: Internal Medicine
Present Position: Associate Professor of Medicine and Internal Medicine
ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities:
Planning Committee, Annual Meeting 2015-2019; Governor's Council 2015-2019; Delegate, Leadership Day 2015-2019
ACP National Activities:
Fellowship 2010
Other Appointments/Activities:
I have served as a board member for MetroCare and Health Choice board, and I have worked with community physicians in Memphis and the surrounding area to improve the quality of care provided to our patients. In doing so, we have been able to incentivize our community physicians by paying them back monies that have been awarded to our ACO for bending the cost curve. This has been incredibly rewarding.
Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise:
Early in my career I was able to work with a metabolic bone specialist, Dr. Laura Carbone. In working with her, I developed a passion for preventing and treating osteoporosis. I very much enjoy giving Grand Rounds to medical students, residents, community physicians and others, so they can help to prevent fracture and death in our patients. In my outpatient clinic, I teach first and second medical school students, who are enrolled in the Introduction to Clinical Skills. I very much enjoy this, and I feel lucky that we also have the Med-Peds residents in our clinic as well. I work with the residents and teach them how to take care of their complicated Internal Medicine patients, which is a privilege. I feel that it is important to be a mentor to our students and have worked with our Dean of Students, Dr. Susan Brewer, in the MPOWER program that she developed. MPOWER stands for professionalism, wellness, excellence, and research. I will be leading these learning communities at UTHSC in the fall. I have a passion for teaching our young students and feel that recruiting excellent mentors for them is a top priority.