Michigan Chapter 2024 Meeting Hub

Thursday, October 24-Sunday, October 17, 2024
Radisson Plaza Hotel at Kalamazoo Center | Kalamazoo, MI

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Michigan Chapter 2024 Meeting Hub

Fostering Excellence in Internal Medicine

Live events are changing, and American College of Physicians is helping lead the way with the ability to learn, network, and engage like never before!

  • Presented both live and virtually October 24 - 27, 2024, ACP's MI Chapter is pleased to offer a safe meeting space to earn CME/MOC, recharge, and engage with one another. Sessions will be held live at the Radisson Plaza Hotel at Kalamazoo Center, Kalamazoo MI as well as through exclusive virtual keynote and education sessions.
  • Learn, Connect, and Engage in Person or from Home or Office Attend or tune in to exclusive live, interactive sessions with your local Chapter colleagues. Regardless of location, you can engage with each other to discuss topics important to you and your community, both professionally and socially.
  • These flexible options provide access to top-notch education, help you connect with each other, and learn about ways to get involved with your Chapter. This Meeting will help you meet your needs as a physician and help you provide the best care for your patients using the latest knowledge.
Sarah E. Hartley, MD, MHPE, FACP
ACP Governor, Michigan Chapter

Meeting Highlights
  • Meet the Professor: Healthcare Metrics
  • Meet the Professor: Allergic Skin Disorders for the Internist
  • Boy Frame Lecture: Preparing Clinicians for Artificial Intelligence in Health Care
  • James Hall Lecture: Reintegrating Medicine and Public Health
  • Park Willis Lecture: Tick-Tock: The Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation Without Missing a Beat
  • Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind: Incretins for Weight Loss Available Virtually and Evolving Indications for Bariatric Surgery
  • Professors in Action
  • Women’s Health in a Post-Roe World
  • Finding Your Professional Home
  • Thieves' Market
  • ACP MKSAP Module
  • Advocacy
  • Health Policy and Health Professionals: The Need for Engagement
  • MI-ACP and SHM-MI Annual Business Meetings
  • Resident Doctor's Dilemma ®
  • Resident Oral Abstract Presentations
  • Resident and Medical Student Poster Presentations
  • Medical Student Track: Hands-On Workshop at the Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine Simulation Center and Residency Program Directors Panel
Program Committee
  • Eric Edewaard, MD – Lead Co-Chair
  • Rimma Polevoy-Davis, MD, FACP – Co-Chair
  • Kate Levy, MD, FACP – Co-Chair
  • Tucker Billups, DO – Medical Student Program Co-Chair
  • Abigail Entz, MD, FACP - Medical Student Program Co-Chair
  • Odaliz Abreu Lanfranco, MD, FACP
  • Patrick Alguire, MD, MACP
  • Staci Blackburn, MD, FACP, SFHM
  • TaLawnda Bragg, MD, FACP
  • Stephanie Czarnik, MD, FACP
  • Corey R. Dean, MD, FAAP, FACP
  • Veronica DeMore (Staff)
  • Aimee Espinosa, MD, FACP
  • Paul Grant, MD, FACP, SFHM
  • Alexis Haftka-George, MD, FACP
  • Sarah E. Hartley, MD, MHPE, FACP, FHM (ex-officio)
  • Raymond Hilu, MD, FACP
  • Scott Kaatz, DO, FACP, SFHM
  • Jenni Kilpatrick (Staff)
  • Ruby Marr, MD, FHM
  • Mark McQuillan, MD, FACP
  • Preeti Misra, MBBS, FACP
  • David Paje, MD, FACP
  • Allison Ruff, MD, MHPE, FACP
  • Louis Saravolatz, MD, MACP
  • Yash Shah, MD
  • Virginia Sheffield, MD


Access the live feeds by clicking the 'Access the Virtual Meeting' buttons within the Agenda below.

Thursday, October 24

Time Session
6:00-8:30 PM Governor's Council Meeting

Friday, October 25

Time Session
7:00-9:00 AM Breakfast and Visit Exhibits
7:00-8:00 AM SHM-MI Annual Business Meeting
8:00-9:00 AM Meet the Professor: Gaming the System or Measuring Your Game? An Insider’s Guide to Healthcare Metrics that Matter (and those that don’t)
Brook Watts, MD, MS, FACP
9:00-10:00 AM Boy Frame Lecture: Preparing Clinicians for Artificial Intelligence in Health Care
Cornelius James, MD, FACP
Andrew Wong, MD
10:00-10:15 AM Break and Visit Exhibits
10:15 AM-Noon Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind: Incretins for Weight Loss Available Virtually and Evolving Indications for Bariatric Surgery
Timothy Bodnar, MD, FACP
Andrew Kraftson, MD
Noon-1:30 PM Lunch and Visit Exhibits
Poster Reviewing and Judging Session 1
1:30-3:00 PM Oral Abstract Presentations and Judging MKSAP Module
Susan Bannon, MD, FACP
Bryce Meck, MD, FAAP
Diane Peirce, MD
Ross Driscoll, MD, FACP
Medical Student Program
Tucker Billups, DO
Abigail Entz, MD, FACP
3:00-3:15 PM Break and Visit Exhibits
3:15-4:15 PM SHM Lecture: Health Policy and Health Professionals: The Need for Engagement
Ann Sheehy, MD, MS, SFHM
4:15-5:15 PM 2024 Updates in Interstitial Lung Disease and Asthma
Jack Buckley, MD, MPH, FCCP
5:15-5:30 PM Break and Visit Exhibits
5:30-7:30 PM Happy Hour, Pub Trivia and Bat Away the Burnout, Open to All, Hosted by the Early Career Physicians Committee
Allison Ruff, MD, MHPE, FACP

Saturday, October 26

Time Session
7:00-9:00 AM Breakfast and Visit Exhibits
7:00-8:00 AM Early Career Physicians Breakfast
7:00-8:00 AM Program Directors Meeting
8:00-9:00 AM Meet the Professor: Allergic Skin Disorders for the Internist
Daniel Stulberg, MD, FAAFP
9:00-10:00 AM Finding Your Professional Home
Angela Johnson, MD, FACP
10:00-10:15 AM Break and Visit Exhibits
10:15-11:45 AM Thieves' Market
David Scrase, MD, MACP
Richard Shellenberger, DO, MACP
11:45 AM-Noon Break and Visit Exhibits
Noon-1:30 PM Lunch and Visit Exhibits
Chapter Awards
1:30-2:30 PM Advocacy Session
Angela Johnson, MD, FACP
Tudor Moldovan, MD
Brittany Tayler, MD
Medical Student Program: Residency Program Directors Panel
Tucker Billups, DO
Abigail Entz, MD, FACP
2:30-3:30 PM Park Willis Lecture: Tick-Tock: The Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation Without Missing a Beat
Paul Grant, MD, FACP, SFHM
3:30-3:45 PM Break and Visit Exhibits
3:45-5:30 PM Professors in Action
Odaliz Abreu Lanfranco, MD, FACP, FIDSA
Ellen Bouazizi, MD
Abigail Entz, MD, FACP
Lea Monday, Pharm.D, MD, FACP
Rama Nakdali, MD
Stephanie Parks-Taylor, MD
Ibrahim Zahid
5:30-5:45 PM Break and Visit Exhibits
5:45-7:45 PM Reception and Visit Exhibits
Poster Reviewing and Judging Session 2

Sunday, October 27

Time Session
7:00-8:00 AM Breakfast and Visit Exhibits MI-ACP Annual Business Meeting
8:00-9:00 AM Women’s Health in a Post-Roe World
Allison Ruff, MD, MHPE, FACP
9:00-10:00 AM James Hall Lecture: Reintegrating Medicine and Public Health
Aron Sousa, MD, FACP
10:00-10:15 AM Break and Visit Exhibits
10:15-11:00 AM Doctor's Dilemma Championship Round
Abigail Entz, MD, FACP
11:00-11:30 AM Doctor's Dilemma Winning Resident Team vs. Faculty
Abigail Entz, MD, FACP
11:30-11:45 AM Resident and Medical Student Abstract Awards
Eric Edewaard, MD
Katherine Levy, MD, FACP
Ruby Marr, MD
Rimma Polevoy-Davis, MD, FACP

Meeting Evaluation and CME/MOC Credit

To claim CME & MOC credit or to generate a certificate of participation you will be asked to first complete an evaluation survey.

Release Date: October 27, 2024
Termination Date: October 27, 2025

View Disclosure Information

The American College of Physicians is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


Equipment and Materials

Create a Zoom Account!

Our meeting will be conducted on the Zoom platform and all registered attendees will be have links to the Zoom meeting through this page. If you do not have a Zoom account, we recommend you sign up for one before the meeting. Sign up is free. Click here to sign up.

Test Your Equipment in Advance

  • Please test and check your system at least 15 minutes prior to meeting. This includes your network connection, device battery life, and speakers.
  • We recommend you use a computer or a tablet for the best experience. The system is not responsive on a cell phone.

Control Your Environment as Best You Can

  • Mute other devices that might interfere with your computer audio.
  • Create a learning-conducive environment, eliminating as many distractions as possible. Close out of other tabs and mute notifications, if possible.
  • Prepare your space with anything you may need during the virtual program (appropriate chargers, note-taking materials, water, etc.).

Troubleshooting Technical Difficulties

  • Some networks cause slides to advance more slowly than others. If your slides are behind or you are having audio issues, please try to refresh the page.

Can I follow along on social media?

Yes, follow/like the MI Chapter through the meeting on social media! Use the hashtags #IMProud #MIACPSHMAM24.

  • Twitter: @MIchapterACP
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095645317311
  • Instagram: @michiganacp

Participant Photography

As a participant in the chapter meeting, your photograph may be taken as a focus or background subject, to be used in chapter communications. If you would not like your photo taken, please inform chapter staff.

ACP Chapters Meeting Code of Conduct

ACP is a community that values collegiality, respect for patients and each other, and medicine’s standards of ethics and professionalism. ACP members are guided by the content and spirit of the ACP Pledge and by their commitment to the ethics of medicine, including those in the ACP Ethics Manual.  “Physicians’ conduct as professionals and as individuals should merit the respect of the community.” 

ACP expects members, staff, and others who participate in events and activities involving ACP to treat others as you would like to be treated – with courtesy, respect for differences, and in ways that appropriately represent the profession of internal medicine. As set forth in ACP’s Anti-Harassment Policy, ACP does not tolerate any form of harassment, including intimidation, hostility, or other unwelcome and offensive communication or treatment.

If you experience or observe harassing, inappropriate or otherwise unprofessional behavior, or you have concerns about how you have been treated by an ACP member or staff or anyone else at an ACP meeting or event, you may report the incident to acpevents@acponline.org or call 215 351-7750.

The chapter reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate; including immediate removal from the meeting without warning or refund, in response to any incident of unacceptable behavior, and the chapter reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting, virtually or in person.

For other questions about the chapter meeting, contact Jenni Kilpatrick at 414-488-3917 or jenni@acpmichigan.org.

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