In this Issue:
- ACP Indiana and ACP National Health and Public Policy Updates
- Interested in Health Care reform? Want to make a difference at the national level?
- ACP's Career Connection Virtual Career Fair - March 5
- New ACP Policy Paper Calls for Equitable Access for Participation in the Electoral Process

Dr. Dee Moonesinghe, MD FACP, ACP IN Governor
Here's to the start of new beginnings, as we face a new year. I invite each of you to reflect back on how 2023 panned out, and what you might have mapped out for the coming year. As we come out of the Holiday season, I genuinely hope that it was a meaningful time for all of you, and that you had the chance to spend some of it with those that bring joy and meaning to your life, while remembering the ones who perhaps could not be with us.
- Was 2023 all that you had hoped for? What could have made it better? What events transpired that took away from all that it could be.
- Looking ahead into 2024…are you someone that makes New Year resolutions? A month in, are you still sticking to them? Why do we make resolutions on Jan 1st, as opposed to any new day, a new week, a new month or simply a new moment, if we believe it will lead to a better version of us.
Every one of us wears multiple different hats, often a few at the same time. We juggle a number of balls and can only hope that we don't drop one, and that if we do, they are rubber and will bounce right back. (Sadly, sometimes they are made of glass, and break, making a big ‘ol mess everywhere. #safety hazard). Just like many of you, no matter what hat I wear, the primary goal is to reduce human pain and suffering, and to care of others.
But in a life dedicated to serving others, not to mention the workloads, schedules, and EMRs, we can often find ourselves running on empty.
How do each of you remain whole, so you can continue to be there for everyone else and not burn out.
- Do you spend time with friends and family?
- Do you find solo activities to fill your cup?
- How do you each define your quality of life, that lets you keep working?
ACP Online has some outstanding wellness resources, and if you have not had a chance to go online in a while, please take a moment to do so.
Physician Well-being and Professional Fulfillment Program
Other main tabs through ACP online are as below:
Medical Practice Management | Human Resources, Regulatory Compliance
Clinical Guidelines, Recommendations and Updates
Bear in mind that this year, 2024 is also an election year, for the US Presidency. So no matter what your views are, be sure that you are registered to vote, and to make your voice count both in the primaries and in the November elections.
A few reminders of upcoming chapter and National events to mark on your calendars.
- 2024 Munice Road Trip meet and greet, on May 24th, 2024
- National Internal Medicine Meeting, Boston - April 18th to 20th, 2024
- Annual IN Chapter Meeting – Thursday, Friday, October 17, 18th 2024
Congratulations to our new Fellows. I am hoping that many, if not all of you, will be able to join us in April and walk the convocation. Congratulations Steven A Hanberg, Sashank Kolli, MD FACP MD FACP, Daniel Arthur Stegelman, MD FACP, and Alinda Madhab Sarma, MD FACP.
As I had mentioned in a previous newsletter, there are the seasons of change. Except now, I am not looking at the beauty of National Geographic level of fall colors, rather the frigid feel of Siberia, but once again, as with all things…bear in mind that change, in fact, is constant, and that everything is temporary, be it for a day, or a season, or a career.
In closing, please remember to continue to care for yourselves and keep your tanks full, as you care for your families and communities. And that change begins with us. We can only change the things within our circles of control, which is a lot smaller than we would like to think, so let's start there, and then move onto our circles of influence And as always, I remind you all to be mindful. Be kind, compassionate and give grace. To each other and to yourselves.
Happy New Year
Dee Moonesinghe, MD FACP
ACP Indiana and ACP National Health and Public Policy Updates

Interested in Health Care reform? Want to make a difference at the national level?
The Indiana Chapter is sponsoring members to attend Leadership Day 2024. Attendees will receive up to $2000/$1500 in travel stipends for up to four members.
This event provides an opportunity for ACP and our members to:
- Increase our presence in Washington and bring visibility to issues of common concern
- Receive a comprehensive orientation and briefing on ACP's top legislative priorities
- Meet with legislators and the staff on Capitol Hill
To enter please submit your response (500 words or less) to the following: Why is physician advocacy important to you? What do you hope to accomplish by attending ACP Leadership Day?
Essays should be submitted no later than Friday, February 16, 2024.
ACP's Career Connection Virtual Career Fair - March 5
Announcing ACP's Career Connection Virtual Career Fair, March 5, 6-9pm ET. This event is for you if you're completing your residency or fellowship or you're a practicing physician. Register to chat with recruiters & browse open positions. FREE!
New ACP Policy Paper Calls for Equitable Access for Participation in the Electoral Process
A new paper published in Annals of Internal Medicine, "Ensuring Equitable Access to Participation in the Electoral Process: A Policy Brief from the American College of Physicians," provides recommendations about how to approach informing physicians, medical students, and other health care professionals on the links between electoral processes and health, encouraging civic participation, and offering policy recommendations to support safe and equitable access to electoral participation to advance health equity for all.