In this Issue:
- Governor Message
- ACP Information on COVID-19
- Save the Date! Illinois IM 2020 in Springfield!
- Save the Date! Illinois Northern Resident and Medical Student Day
- Call for Abstracts is now OPEN!
- Resolution Feedback Requested
- Advocates for Internal Medicine Network
- Webinar MKSAP Live Online Study Hall
Suja Mathew, MD, FACP, ACP Governor, Illinois Northern
Governor Message
Dear Colleagues,
This newsletter contains my final message as your governor of the Illinois Northern chapter of the American College of Physicians. The last 4+ years have been among the most professionally rewarding experiences I could have imagined. I have met so many of you personally, via email and phone conversations, at our meetings and networking events. I thank you for your kind support and encouragement of me. I thank you for your commitment to the mission of the ACP.
Our Illinois Northern chapter serves as a role-model around the world. We have innovated educational and development programs. We have facilitated collaborations across various boundaries. We have been loud advocates on policy of national significance. Our chapter is a leader among ACP chapters internationally, and we have been recognized and awarded for our work.
These years have been tumultuous at times, both locally and nationally. As physicians we have been in the center of many of the most pressing issues. And now, as we deal with the global threat of COVID-19, our leadership is more important than ever. Our profession will always provide a lens for clarity, a lever for change, and a compass for good. I am more proud today than I was 4 years ago. I look forward to the future.
I am indebted to the members of the Governor's Council who have faithfully served during my tenure, the chairs of our committees, and Colleen Keeku, our executive director. I can confidently hand the role to Dr. Anne Schultz, who will undoubtedly lead our chapter to even more success in the future.
This spring I will transition to another elected role in ACP leadership as a member of the organization's governing body, the Board of Regents. I cherish the opportunity to represent all of you as we continue to shape American medicine.
Best regards,
Suja Mathew
ACP Information on COVID-19
As COVID-19 moves through Illinois and other states, ACP has developed tools and resources for internists. Please monitor developments daily at:
ACP COVID-19 Resources for up to date information.
Save the Date! Illinois IM 2020 in Springfield!
ACP IL IM 2020 October 23, 2020 in Springfield!
Save the Date! Illinois Northern Resident and Medical Student Day
ILN Resident and Medical Student Day, November 4, 2020!
Call for Abstracts is now OPEN!
More information can be found HERE.
Resolution Feedback Requested
We would like to request your feedback regarding the 23 resolutions that will be heard at the Spring 2020 Board of Governors Meeting. The resolutions have been posted on ACP Online for your review. Click on the electronic response form to view all resolutions
After considering the intent of each resolution and how it fits with the College's Mission and Goals, please send your feedback on each resolution and indicate your support or opposition by completing the electronic response form by April 8th. Your input will be used as part of testimony on behalf of the chapter.
Advocates for Internal Medicine Network
Do you want to advocate for your patients and for your profession? Join the Advocates for Internal Medicine Network. To learn more, visit here.
The ACP Washington Office provides advocacy support and services to ACP members on a multitude of issues. Learn more about the programs and resources available to you at ACP Advocacy.
Webinar MKSAP Live Online Study Hall
Join us on Tuesday nights at 8:00 Central! We are continuing to accept attendees. Register Anytime!
Each week our hosts reveal a new “episode” of MKSAP 18, preparing you for boards over the next two years. This is an opportunity to prepare for recertification in a weekly casual, collegial, online setting. It's free for ACP members*, but you must own MKSAP 18.
More information and registration.
Every Tuesday at 8:00 PM Central Time: Webinar MKSAP Live Online Study Hall.