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Idaho Governor's Newsletter February 2021

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Lisa S. Inouye, MD, MPH, FACP, ACP Governor

Lisa S. Inouye, MD, MPH, FACP, ACP Governor


Hindson Winter Conference & Idaho Chapter Meeting

The 2021 Virtual Hindson Winter Conference was held January 14th – 16th. Topics included Culinary Medicine: Facilitating Lasting Lifestyle Change with a subsequent cooking workshop, Ending Medical Reversal, Sustaining Justice & Anti-racism in Medicine, Inpatient & Outpatient Updates, Community Acquired Pneumonia and Management of Heart Failure. There was also an ACP Women in Medicine session, and of course the Associate and Student poster session and business meeting. This meeting was very well-attended despite having to watch virtual presentations and miss the skiing! The venue/location of next year's meeting is not yet determined.


Richmond Doxey, MD, CCMS teaching alternatives to dietary salt


Danielle Orchard MD at the Women in Medicine session discussing what drains and fills our emotional buckets

The chapter also presented a few awards:


Resident QI Winner - Trevor Archibald, DO: Virtual Shared-Medical-Appointments for Veteran with Type II Diabetes


Student Vignette Winner - Ryan Day, MS4: Argh Me Toe Hurts: Bachelor Scurvy


Resident Vignette Winner - Carlee Fountaine, MD: Under PRESsure: A Case of COVID 19 Induced Posterior Reversible Leukoencephalopathy


Melissa “Moe” Hagman receives the Idaho ACP chapter Distinguished Teacher Award, here with Lisa Inouye, Governor.


Andrea Christopher receives the Idaho ACP chapter Advocacy Award, here with Lisa Inouye, Governor


Lisa Burgett, MD receives the Idaho ACP Distinguished Internist award

And Finally….

We would also like to congratulate Richard Nathan, DO, FACP for receiving the 2021 Idaho Chapter Laureate Award.

The Laureate Award honors those Fellows and Masters of the College who have demonstrated by their example and conduct, an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, or research and in service to their community, their Chapter, and the American College of Physicians.


We are pleased to announce that our chapter is in receipt of the Silver Level of the 2020 Chapter Excellence Award! The award recognizes chapters that achieve basics in chapter management and inspires chapters through a tiered reward system to achieve excellence.



A Note from Lesleigh Box, Chair of the Advocacy Committee:

Idaho ACP policy committee will be following the Idaho legislative session particularly with respect to Medicaid and Covid 19. This year's advocacy work will be different than previous due to the virus but will look toward promoting health in Idaho.



And from Women in Medicine Co-Chairs - Jodie Donovan MD, FACP, and Danielle Orchard MD, FACP

A big thank you to the participants who attended the Women in Medicine meeting during the Idaho ACP Virtual Meeting. It was a pleasure to connect with everyone virtually. Now that we have a new platform for meeting in a virtual space, we hope to plan for more meetings this year.

One thing 2021 should highlight for all of us is ongoing support of gender equity in medicine. I think we can challenge ourselves to do more in Idaho by promoting and engaging women, especially minority women. The ACP has some specific recommendations that you can review here . One of these recommendations speaks to me - celebrate, honor, and support. Celebrate those positive examples and experiences. Find allies with experience. Be an ally with influence. Honor female leaders by promoting them to positions of leadership.

I hope this message finds you well.

Sincerely, Jodie Donovan MD, FACP



Congratulations to our New Fellows

Damon Demar – Meridian



Welcome our New Members

Kerilynn Erland – Boise
John Grider – Idaho Falls
Patrick Snarr - Ammon



Welcome our New Physician Affiliates

Jonathan Bowman – Boise
Ryan Julian – Ammon
Caleb Patee - Parma



Welcome our New Medical Student Members

Jessica Baumgartner
Karlee Black
Nathan Davies
Michael Dialoguer
Callen Falash
Diana Green
Rachel Greiner
Alayna Keagle
Nathan Massey
Kaleb Merrick
Alvin Rafou
Drew Rasmussen
Lucia Schroeder
Joshua Sheih
Kelsey Silvester
Samuel Sipson
Kara Zymslowski



ACP Fellowship

Are you interested in becoming a Fellow of the American College of Physicians? Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices.

ACP Fellowship is primarily achieved through advancement from ACP Membership.* Fellows are authorized to use the letters FACP (Fellow of the American College of Physicians) in connection with their professional activities for as long as their membership remains current. FACP is a federally registered service mark and is defined as providing recognition by way of an honorific. Fellows of the American College of Physicians have the right to vote, hold office, and sponsor applicants for Membership and Fellowship.

Governor's comments: If you have been a College member for 3 years, are board certified, and do any of the following: teaching, research, community service or advocacy, you should apply for fellowship! Fellows are particularly important for the Idaho chapter because we need to keep adding fellows to meet criteria for the Excellence awards, which comes with a monetary award for the chapter.

For more information or to apply for ACP Fellowship, visit here



ACP Issues Statement Condemning Events at Capitol Building, Calls for Peaceful Transition of Power to Protect Public Health

Posted on ACP January 7, 2021

ACP strongly condemns the acts of violence committed yesterday and the efforts to disrupt basic democratic processes in our nation's capital. The images of the attack on our Capitol building, our lawmakers, and all those who work there are both disheartening and disturbing.

ACP continues to call for a peaceful, timely transfer of power, including full cooperation during the transition, to ensure stability and protect public health. As a country, we are facing an enormous threat to the health of all of our patients from the COVID-19 pandemic. Disruptions to our government have serious consequences for the stability of the health care system that U.S. residents rely on for care. Public trust in our government and institutions, and effective leadership at all levels of government, are essential to an effective public health response to the pandemic, including distribution and public acceptance of vaccines. Yesterday's events threaten to further undermine both.

As physicians, we must be confident that strong, organized, prepared leadership will be in place in order to meet the challenges we are facing and to help heal our country and our patients.



Idaho Chapter Social Media

Please visit the Idaho Chapter's Facebook page . The page currently has over 150 followers from all over the world and is updated regularly with health news, interesting tidbits, and local news. Please feel free to let the Executive Director Kelly Hess know if you have any health care related events you would like mentioned on the page. We also have a Twitter account: @IDAHOACP1 and Instagram: idahochapteracp
