In this Issue:
- Governor's Corner
- Chapter Meeting – Feb 4-5 (SEP modules Feb 3)
- Chapter Meeting Charitable Activity
- Council of Early Career Physicians
- Resident Physician Activities
- College News and links

Alwinn Steinmann, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Corner
I do hope you and your families were able to spend time together and recharge during this holiday season. It seems harder and harder to get away from it all these days, yet doing so is vital for our wellbeing. Most of us probably didn't think we would be closing out 2021, bracing for yet another COVID wave. While the Omicron variant seems to be considerably more contagious, it also seems to cause less severe disease, especially for those who are vaccinated and boosted. With a little luck, this surge may come and go quickly with minimal strain to our health care system. Let's hope that 2022 will bring us all a little closer to normalcy.
Al Steinmann, MD, FACP
Governor, Colorado Chapter ACP
Chapter Meeting – Feb 4-5 (SEP modules Feb 3)
We are planning on having a hybrid format for our 2022 Colorado Chapter meeting. While we hope to see many of you in person, there will also be a virtual option. Registered participants will also have access to recorded sessions. In an effort to provide a safe environment, we are requiring that all attendees and guests be fully vaccinated and boosted (if eligible), and people will be masked in appropriate settings. (The Broadmoor has agreed to have their staff who are serving us be masked as well.)
As usual, our amazing Planning Committee has put together a terrific line-up of speakers and topics. There will also be resident posters and presentations. For more information and registration, please use the following link.
Chapter Meeting Charitable Activity
Each year we identify a charitable activity / organization for meeting attendees to support if they wish. This year we will be asking our members to consider supporting the Center for Personalized Education for Professionals (CPEP). CPEP is a non-profit organization helps physicians and other health care professionals return to practice after absences for various reasons. They are dedicated to improving patient care and promoting patient safety. CPEP will have a table at our meeting, and more information will be sent to meeting registrants. If you would like more information, you may visit their website. We are in the process of seeing if we can have a CO ACP specific donation site set up.
Council of Early Career Physicians
Dr. Juan Lessing will again be coordinating the Forest for the Trees presentations at our chapter meeting.
On a related note – Juan and Mary Anderson Wallace published an article in the Sep 2021 ACP's Chapter ECP Leader News Update on our Forest for the Trees Humanism in Medicine story contest. You may view it through the following link.
Resident Physician Activities
Dr. Rick Miranda has been busy organizing various activities for our resident (Associate) members. Here is a list of upcoming events:
- Residents will have 4 oral presentations and 16 posters at the annual Chapter meeting
- Doctor's Dilemma is scheduled for February 17, 2022 at 6pm at Maggiano's (DTC location)
- Resident/Fellow Meeting will take place May 10, 2022 6pm at St Joseph Hospital Russell Pavilion
College News and links
IM 2022
The ACP Annual Scientific Meeting will be taking place in Chicago, April 28-30. We are hoping to see some Colorado Chapter members there! For more information visit this link.
Virtual COVID-19 Forum for Physicians –
The American College of Physicians (ACP) and Annals of Internal Medicine hosted a virtual forum where expert panelists addressed challenging clinical questions about COVID-19. Read more.
Medicare Fee Schedule Changes –
The American College of Physicians (ACP) says new Medicare rules make key positive changes for physicians; however, areas of concern remain. Read more.