In this Issue:
- Governor's Corner
- Chapter Meeting
- Chapter Awards
- Colorado student member appointed to the ACP Council of Student Members
- CPHP Update
- Membership committee news
- Links recent news from the ACP

Alwinn Steinmann, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Corner
Depending on the timing of the release of this newsletter, I sincerely hope that you all have, or had, a pleasant and rejuvenating holiday. A respite that offers time with loved ones, even if virtual, and renews body, mind and soul. I also want to wish you all a happy, and better New Year.
On the COVID-19 front, the big news is the approval of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and the initiation of vaccination of health care workers. (As I am writing this, I am expecting to receive my first dose in about an hour!) This provides a glimmer of hope as we deal with the fall / winter surge. Speaking of which, it is a hopeful development that our state seems to have once again “flattened the curve” before our health care institutions were overwhelmed. While we are certainly not out of the woods, there is reason to be optimistic regarding our trajectory, though we need to maintain vigilance. I do hope you are all weathering these trying times!
Chapter Meeting
As most of you likely know, we made the difficult decision to move our annual chapter meeting to an entirely virtual format. While we are disappointed that we won't be getting together in person at the Broadmoor, we hope that this will allow broader participation across our membership. The meeting will take place on Feb 5th and 6th with the SEP modules being offered on the 4th. Please visit our News and Meetings Page to learn more about our meeting and access registration. MANY thanks to our Meeting Planning Committee and to Christine Westbrook for all their hard work, not only planning our speakers, but dealing with the transition to a virtual platform!
Chapter Awards
The Chapter recently sent out a chapter e-mail announcing our chapter awardees for 2020. The winners are:
Robert B. Gibbons, MD, MACO Distinguished Medical Educator Award
Suzanne L. Brandenburg, MD, FACP
Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine
Associate Dean for Medical Education
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Colorado Early Career Physician Award
Bradley G. Changstrom, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Orthopedics, Division of General Internal Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Laureate Award (2 recipients)
Erik A. Wallace, MD, FACP
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine
Associate Dean for Colorado Springs Branch
Faculty Associate, Center for Bioethics and Humanities
University of Colorado School of Medicine
David A. Downs, Jr., MD, FACP
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Volunteerism/Community Service Award
Ronald S. Colson, MD, FACP
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Mastership (2 recipients)
Christina M. Reimer, MD, MACP
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine
Assistant Dean, University of Colorado School of Medicine at Colorado State University Branch Campus
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Mary Carol Greenlee, MD, MACP, FACE
Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism
Western Slope Endocrinology, Grand Junction CO
We will have an awards presentation session during our annual meeting.
I would also like to mention that we will be establishing a new award in memory and recognition of Dr. Joel Levine, who was a former chapter Governor, and Regent. Criteria for this award are being developed by our Awards Committee with input from Joel's family.
Colorado student member appointed to the ACP Council of Student Members
I am delighted to announce that Rocky Vista student, Taylor Harp, has been appointed to the national ACP Council of Student Members! Taylor will also be joining our Colorado Chapter Governor's Council.
CPHP Update
Most of you are probably aware that there was a court decision that DORA acted improperly in awarding the peer assistance contract earlier this year. The ruling places the issue in front of the Colorado Medical Board. CPHP's contract was extended until the end of January.
Colorado Primary Care Payment Reform Collaborative –
I have been honored to be a representative of both our ACP Chapter and the Colorado Medical Society on the Colorado Primary Care Payment Reform Collaborative (PCPRC) since August 2019. It was created by legislative action earlier that year. The Collaborative just published its second annual report. Our second report focused on the role of alternate payment methodologies (non-volume based) in enhanced primary care payments, and practice and system metrics to assess the impact of payment reform. We also addressed how payment reform can be leveraged to reduce health care disparities. The report is publicly accessible on the Colorado PCPRC website.
Membership committee news
The memberships committee had a robust meeting in October. Efforts where identified to support members interest in the various committees of ACP's state and national branches. Especially after the conclusion of the hotly contested election cycle and unprecedented public health rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations there are many groups where you can lend your voice. We also are organizing new projects where members from the western slopes are engaged in a greater extent. Please stay tuned! We wish all for a safe and joyful holiday season.
Links recent news from the ACP
ACP Statement on COVID-19 vaccinations
Statements on new Medicare fee schedules:
Washington, DC (Dec. 2, 2020) — The American College of Physicians (ACP) strongly supports the increases in Medicare payments to physicians for evaluations and management (E/M) services that were included in the final 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) released on Dec. 1, and calls on Congress to ensure that they are fully implemented on Jan. 1 as finalized by CMS.