ACP offers a variety of ABIM recertification resources to help you earn both ABIM Maintenance of Certification points and CME credits through the same educational program.
Online Learning Center
Hundreds of curated CME and MOC activities organized by Topic, Product & Format to match your interests and meet your needs for modular education, many free to members.

Annals of Internal Medicine
ACP Members and Subscribers Only is a convenient way to fulfill your MOC requirements.

Annals Consult Guys
ACP Members and Subscribers Only
Another feature at, Annals Consult Guys bring a new perspective to the art and science of medicine with lively discussion and analysis of real-world cases and situations.

Beyond the Guidelines
ACP Members and Subscribers Only
Beyond the Guidelines is a multimedia feature at based on selected clinical conferences at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Experts discuss the care of a patient for whom the optimal management is unclear.
ACP Members and Annals Subscribers Only
Podcasts touching on a wide range of medical topics. New episodes added every month. ACP members can listen and claim CME credit and MOC points for each topic (1 credit per episode).
Podcasts include:
- Bedside Rounds
- Core IM
- Annals on Call
- DEI Shift
Ethics Manual Module
ACP Members and Subscribers Only
Read the ACP Ethics Manual and complete a question module.

In the Clinic
ACP Members and Subscribers Only
In the Clinic is a monthly feature at that focuses on practical management of patients with common clinical conditions.
Point-of-Care Ultrasonography
Point-of-Care Ultrasonography (POCUS) is used by internal medicine physicians and subspecialists to improve diagnostic timeliness and accuracy. ACP's curated online learning activities teach appropriate uses of POCUS and develop cognitive skills necessary to implement POCUS throughout internal medicine practice.
Courses & Recordings
Prepare for the ABIM certification and MOC exams at an ACP review course. Courses offered in varying lengths and locations. All board review courses and recordings offer CME/MOC credit.

Learn at your own pace with a massive library of more than 175 hours of high-yield recorded sessions from Internal Medicine Meeting 2024.

For over 50 years, the Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP) has been the most trusted resource in continuous learning for internal medicine physicians and residents. The tradition continues with ACP MKSAP.
MOC and IM Board Review Courses
Live courses prepare you for the exams and also allow you to earn CME credit and MOC points. Courses prior to 2016 are not eligible for MOC points.
Earn ABIM MOC points with ACP. We offer a variety of ABIM recertification modules, resources, and live courses to help you earn MOC points and CME credits.