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Search Results for "bioterrorism"
- ACP Online (39)
- Annals of Internal Medicine (7)
- IM Matters (3)
- ACP Hospitalist (9)
- Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Cases (0)
- ACP Store (0)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 39 in ACP Online
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in Annals of Internal Medicine
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Modernizing the United States’ Public Health Infrastructure: A Position Paper From the American College of Physicians
The United States’ public health sector plays a crucial role in preventing illness and promoting health. Public health drove massive gains in life expectancy during the 20th century by supporting vaccination campaigns, promoting motor vehicle safety, and preventing and treating tobacco use. However, public health is underfunded and underappreciated, forcing the field to do more with fewer resources. In this position paper, the American College of Physicians (ACP) updates its 2012 policy recommendations on strengthening the nation’s public health infrastructure. ACP calls for effective coordination of public health activities, robust and stable year-to-year funding of public health services, a renewed and well-supported public health workforce, action to address health-related dis- and misinformation, modernized public health data systems, and greater coordination between public health and medical sectors.
Insights From Rapid Deployment of a “Virtual Hospital” as Standard Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Background: Pandemics disrupt traditional health care operations by overwhelming system resource capacity but also create opportunities for care innovation. Objective: To describe the development and rapid deployment of a virtual hospital program, Atrium Health hospital at home (AH-HaH), within a large health care system. Design: Prospective case series. Setting: Atrium Health, a large integrated health care organization in the southeastern United States. Patients: 1477 patients diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from 23 March to 7 May 2020 who received care via AH-HaH. Intervention: A virtual hospital model providing proactive home monitoring and hospital-level care through a virtual observation unit (VOU) and a virtual acute care unit (VACU) in the home setting for eligible patients with COVID-19. Measurements: Patient demographic characteristics, comorbid conditions, treatments administered (intravenous fluids, antibiotics, supplemental oxygen, and respiratory medications), transfer to inpatient care, and hospital outcomes (length of stay, intensive care unit [ICU] admission, mechanical ventilation, and death) were collected from electronic health record data. Results: 1477 patients received care in either the AH-HaH VOU or VACU or both settings, with a median length of stay of 11 days. Of these, 1293 (88%) patients received care in the VOU only, with 40 (3%) requiring inpatient hospitalization. Of these 40 patients, 16 (40%) spent time in the ICU, 7 (18%) required ventilator support, and 2 (5%) died during their hospital admission. In total, 184 (12%) patients were ever admitted to the VACU, during which 21 patients (11%) required intravenous fluids, 16 (9%) received antibiotics, 40 (22%) required respiratory inhaler or nebulizer treatments, 41 (22%) used supplemental oxygen, and 24 (13%) were admitted as an inpatient to a conventional hospital. Of these 24 patients, 10 (42%) required ICU admission, 1 (3%) required a ventilator, and none died during their hospital admission. Limitation: Generalizability is limited to patients with a working telephone and the ability to comply with the monitoring protocols. Conclusion: Virtual hospital programs have the potential to provide health systems with additional inpatient capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Primary Funding Source: Atrium Health.
Development and Performance of a Checklist for Initial Triage After an Anthrax Mass Exposure Event
Background: Population exposure to Bacillus anthracis spores could cause mass casualties requiring complex medical care. Rapid identification of patients needing anthrax-specific therapies will improve patient outcomes and resource use. Objective: To develop a checklist that rapidly distinguishes most anthrax from nonanthrax illnesses on the basis of clinical presentation and identifies patients requiring diagnostic testing after a population exposure. Design: Comparison of published anthrax case reports from 1880 through 2013 that included patients seeking anthrax-related care at 2 epicenters of the 2001 U.S. anthrax attacks. Setting: Outpatient and inpatient. Patients: 408 case patients with inhalation, ingestion, and cutaneous anthrax and primary anthrax meningitis, and 657 control patients. Measurements: Diagnostic test characteristics, including positive and negative likelihood ratios (LRs) and patient triage assignation. Results: Checklist-directed triage without diagnostic testing correctly classified 95% (95% CI, 93% to 97%) of 353 adult anthrax case patients and 76% (CI, 73% to 79%) of 647 control patients (positive LR, 3.96 [CI, 3.45 to 4.55]; negative LR, 0.07 [CI, 0.04 to 0.11]; false-negative rate, 5%; false-positive rate, 24%). Diagnostic testing was needed for triage in up to 5% of case patients and 15% of control patients and improved overall test characteristics (positive LR, 8.90 [CI, 7.05 to 11.24]; negative LR, 0.06 [CI, 0.04 to 0.09]; false-negative rate, 5%; false-positive rate, 11%). Checklist sensitivity and specificity were minimally affected by inclusion of pediatric patients. Sensitivity increased to 97% (CI, 94% to 100%) and 98% (CI, 96% to 100%), respectively, when only inhalation anthrax cases or higher-quality case reports were investigated. Limitations: Data on case patients were limited to nonstandardized, published observational reports, many of which lacked complete data on symptoms and signs of interest. Reporting bias favoring more severe cases and lack of intercurrent outbreaks (such as influenza) in the control populations may have improved test characteristics. Conclusion: A brief checklist covering symptoms and signs can distinguish anthrax from other conditions with minimal need for diagnostic testing after known or suspected population exposure. Primary Funding Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
What Recent History Has Taught Us About Responding to Emerging Infectious Disease Threats
Presidential administrations face any number of unexpected crises during their tenure, and global pandemics are among the most challenging. As of January 2017, one of the authors had served under 5 presidents as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. During each administration, the government faced unexpected pandemics, ranging from the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which began during the Reagan administration, to the recent Zika outbreak in the Americas, which started during the Obama administration. These experiences underscored the need to optimize preparation for and response to these threats whenever and wherever they emerge. This article recounts selected outbreaks occurring during this period and highlights lessons that were learned that can be applied to the infectious disease threats that will inevitably be faced in the current presidential administration and beyond.
Effect of Ebola Progression on Transmission and Control in Liberia
Background: The Ebola outbreak that is sweeping across West Africa is the largest, most volatile, and deadliest Ebola epidemic ever recorded. Liberia is the most profoundly affected country, with more than 3500 infections and 2000 deaths recorded in the past 3 months. Objective: To evaluate the contribution of disease progression and case fatality on transmission and to examine the potential for targeted interventions to eliminate the disease. Design: Stochastic transmission model that integrates epidemiologic and clinical data on incidence and case fatality, daily viral load among survivors and nonsurvivors evaluated on the basis of the 2000–2001 outbreak in Uganda, and primary data on contacts of patients with Ebola in Liberia. Setting: Montserrado County, Liberia, July to September 2014. Measurements: Ebola incidence and case-fatality records from 2014 Liberian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Results: The average number of secondary infections generated throughout the entire infectious period of a single infected case, R, was estimated as 1.73 (95% CI, 1.66 to 1.83). There was substantial stratification between survivors (R Survivors ), for whom the estimate was 0.66 (CI, 0.10 to 1.69), and nonsurvivors (R Nonsurvivors ), for whom the estimate was 2.36 (CI, 1.72 to 2.80). The nonsurvivors had the highest risk for transmitting the virus later in the course of disease progression. Consequently, the isolation of 75% of infected individuals in critical condition within 4 days from symptom onset has a high chance of eliminating the disease. Limitation: Projections are based on the initial dynamics of the epidemic, which may change as the outbreak and interventions evolve. Conclusion: These results underscore the importance of isolating the most severely ill patients with Ebola within the first few days of their symptomatic phase. Primary Funding Source: National Institutes of Health.
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in IM Matters
MKSAP Quiz: 5-day history of a lesion
A 31-year-old woman is evaluated for a 5-day history of a nonpainful cutaneous lesion on the back of her left hand. She works as a packer in a parcel distribution center. She does not recall injury to this area and reports no unusual employment or recreational exposures. She has not had fever, cough, shortness of breath, headache, chest discomfort, or gastrointestinal symptoms. Yesterday, two coworkers were evaluated for similar lesions. Her husband has recently been prescribed an antibiotic after being diagnosed with a “boil” from which methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was cultured. Her only medication is an oral contraceptive pill. What is the most appropriate management?
Textbook edition reflects evolution of hospital medicine
The first update of “Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine” exemplifies how hospital medicine has evolved and the skills that hospitalists need to have.
New clinical information section launches on College website
New clinical information section launches on College website
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in ACP Hospitalist
Test yourself: Pneumonia
The following cases and commentary, which address pneumonia, are excerpted from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP14).
Textbook reflects evolution of hospitalists
More robust coverage of consultation medicine, rehabilitation medicine, oncology, palliative care, and transitions of care is included
ACP calls for improvements to country's public health system
ACP called for an improved public health infrastructure that works collaboratively with physicians to ensure the public's safety and health, in its policy paper “Strengthening the Public Health Infrastructure,” released at Internal Medicine 2012.
Bath salts that were never meant for a tub
You might not understand the nicknames Meow-Meow, Ivory Wave and Powdered Rush, but you probably have patients who do.
MKSAP quiz on antibiotics
These cases and commentary, which address antibiotics, are excerpted from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP15).
Test yourself: Sepsis
These cases and commentary, which address sepsis, are excerpted from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP15).
Smart surfing: Finding the best medical Web sites
One expert offers tips on sorting the good from the bad.
Internal medicine unites to improve transitions of care
Experts from all areas of health care met in Philadelphia in July to discuss ways to improve transitions of care.
Avian flu prompts pandemic planning but system is far from ready
Avian flu is still more of a threat than a reality—but if a pandemic does hit, the U.S. health care system is far from prepared, according to an infectious diseases expert who spoke at Internal Medicine 2007 in April.